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I was on the ground holding onto Ning for a long time until Yibo walked over to me and try to pull me away from Ning but I didn't want to let go.
"Zhan Zhan I know you are really sad right now but we have to burry Ning"
"No! He is not dead he is just fell asleep" (unconscious)
"Zhan Zhan he is dead we need to let him Rest In Peace"
I started to cry again.
"Its all your fault you told me that you was going to bring him back safe, you lied to me, it's all your fault!!!"
Third persons POV
Xiaozhan was screaming and crying which made him blackout. Yibo carried Xiaozhan back into his room and told his people to burry Ning.
It was the next day afternoon where Xiaozhan woke up.
"Zhan Zhan are you hungry do you want anything to eat"
Xiaozhan didn't say anything he stared off into space and tears started to roll down his eyes
"Zhan Zhan please talk to me, you are scaring me"
There is still no reply form Xiaozhan. Wang yibo sat there with him until Xiaozhan finally said something
"Wangyibo......I really regret knowing you. If it wasn't for you I would of never gotten into this shit of being scared getting killled by a murderer that has a crush on you and Ning wouldn't been dead. I hate you, it's all your fault"
When Yibo heard the words I hate you come out of Xiaozhan mouth he was shocked he heart ached
"Zhan Zhan I'm sorry I know it's my fault but please don't hate me I don't want to loose you"
"Wangyibo I'm breaking up with you, let me leave"
"Zhan Zhan no please don't leave me I will do what ever you want just, please don't leave me"
Xiaozhan got reached out his arm to the night stand and grabbed the knife that was there he put it on his throat and said
"If you don't let me go, I will kill my self and then you will never see me again"
Yibo got scared.
"Zhan Zhan put that down I will let you I will do anything just put that down please"
put the knife down and got up from the bed and changed his clothes and went out the doors. After Xiaozhan left Yibo started to tear up and said
"Zhan Zhan I love you please come back"

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