Morning kisses

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It was morning I woke up on top of Yibo. I examined his face closely and smiled I started to plant kisses all around his face until he woke up
"Baby, What are you doing, you want to go for another round"
"I'm giving you morning kisses"
Yibo smiles and kisses me too he pulled me in for a hug and said
"I'm so happy to have you here by my side"
"Yibo can you promise me something"
"Can I be with you forever"
"I would be so happy"
I smiled at him and gave him more kisses I snuggled with him and played around in bed until I try to sit up and my ass felt like it was on fire it was hot and it hurt and my back hurts even more
"Zhan Zhan are you ok"
"No my ass hurts a lot"
"I'm sorry, I will try to control myself next time, let me help you get changed"
After we got changed we went downstairs to eat breakfast when I was just about to sit down Yibo pulled me towards his and said
"The chair is too hard sit on my lap, I will feed you"
And just like that I finished eating my breakfast like a baby
"Yibo I want to go outside"
"Where do you want to go"
"I want to go shopping"
"Give me a kiss and I will take you"
I kissed him and pulled away looking at him waiting for an answer
His phone rang he picked it up and said a few words and hanged up
"Sorry baby we can't go today"
"Why not~~~"
"I have a lot of work to do I promise you as soon  as I'm done with my work I will take you any where you want"
I went back upstairs to the bedroom and layed in the bed staring on top of the ceiling hours went by and I got really bored I went into Yibo's office and hugged him from behind
"Is my little bunny getting bored"
"Yes. Are you done yet "
"No honey but I will be done shortly"
"Can't you spend some time with me I'm bored"
"What do you want to do"
"I want to..............."

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