Shower together

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Yibo pinned me down to the bed and was kissing my lips hard
"Yibo stop I don't want to do it"
Yibo didn't listen to what I was saying he just kept on going on I got scared and pushed him away
"I'm not ready"
"why aren't you saying anything because it's the truth right!!!?"
"Yibo I think you need to calm down"
He walked out of he room madly and slam the door closed. After a while I went downstairs to go talk to him but I couldn't find him so I went to ask one of the maids
"Where did Yibo go?"
"Boss said that he was going to go out and drink he is probably in the wine cottage"
"Thank you"
I went outside it was cold and it was raining I only had a T-shirt and a pair of jeans on I ran through the rain and into the cottage I took the stairs down and I saw Yibo on the floor drenched with rain and he was also drinking just as I was about to go up to him he got up and went towards a door he opened it and went it. I finally came down the steps and up to door I was hesitating to open it I stood there for s good while thinking about if I should go in or not and finally I opened the door and went in and of course rich people habits they even have a bedroom in the wine cottage and then I saw Yibo in the bed he was drunk I went up to him and gently said
"Yibo are you ok"
He was drunk to the point he couldn't speak anymore I sat next to him and started to rant
"Yibo I'm sorry it's not that I don't trust you it's because I don't have faith in my self I don't believe my self to that person you want to live with for the rest of your life, I'm scared I'm sorry"
"I told you to not be scared"
"Huh? I thought you were drunk"
"Yea I still am but I'm still awake enough to think straight and talk to you"
"Yibo I'm sorry I....." I got up from the bed and and wanted to leave because I was going to burst on in tears in any second. Then Yibo got up and pulled me into his arms
"Why are you all wet don't tell me that you came all the way over here just in a T-shirt"
"I forgot the umbrella"
"Don't cry you making my heart ache, I can't bare to see you cry"
"I'm sorry......achoo"
"Look at what you got yourself into you got a cold now cmon go take a shower first"
He led me into the bathroom and passed me a towel just when he was going to close the door I called out to him he turned around looked at me in the eye I looked down and said in a very low voice
"Don't you want to take a shower with me?"

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