My long lost twin brother and...

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A few weeks later, daddy's lawyers came over for a chat, and then one of them found out something.

But daddy wouldn't tell me. He did keep a close eye on me, and my siblings, though

We couldn't go anywhere without daddy. I had to beg him not to stand outside the bathroom, even!

I was so confused. What was going on? Was Dave's friends after me, like when I tried to run away one day?

I paid for that dearly. Then, as we were having KFC, daddy finally told me." Jenna, honey."

He said." Yeah, daddy?" I asked him as I took a sip of coke." I have some BIG news to tell you, but I just don't understand. How?" He asked that question more to himself than me.

" how what, daddy?" He sighed as he ate a spoonful of macaroni.

"Jenna, you're name isn't actually Jenna."

I froze." What is it?" Daddy sighed again as he swallowed." It's Jordaynne Elizabeth Michael Katherine Taylor Jackson.

You were named after me, Elizabeth Taylor, nana Kate, and your first name is a combination of Jordan, and Breaynne.

It spelled like this; j, o,r,d,a,y,n,n,e." I laughed." That's a big name for an eight year old.But it's ok, daddy.

I never liked ' Jenna' anyway. It seemed so... Cliche. I guess I've never really felt like the "Jenna" type.

Jordaynne. That's a fantastic first name. It's beautiful."

Daddy agreed." So is that it? That's the beg secret that had you following me like crazy?"

Daddy looked at me," I'm overprotective, okay? Give me a break." He jokes." Just think about when you turn 16. Ima be on you like white on rice."

We giggled. The younger two kids laughed too even though they didn't know what the heck was so funny.

Daddy got serious." Okay, here goes." I put my fork down and straightened up." The reason why I've been so fatherly overprotective in you, is because...

I found out that you have a twin brother, and also, because some of Dave's henchmen are after you." I passed out.

Daddy waisted no time trying to find my long lost twin brother. He looked for him everyday. A week, a month.

Two months. Three. Then it was thanksgiving. Daddy had all of the family over.

We all sat down to a big feast, and held hands.

Nana Katherine said grace and we all went around the table, saying what we were thankful for.

It was daddy's turn. He smiled at everyone." I'm thankful for all of my kids, my friends, everyone in my family,

including all of my fans around the world, my successful career, and that I'm still alive another year." It was my turn.

I blushed." I'm thankful for daddy, prince, paris, nana Kate, Joseph,all of my uncles and aunts and cousins, all of my friends, and my singing and dancing skills."

Everyone nodded. Then it was prince's turn. " what are you thankful for?" Daddy asked him. Prince looked at me.

Then he said," Jordaynne." "What else?" I asked him gently. " daddy."

Everyone awed." Anyone else?" He nodded as he looked at paris.

"Paris, nana Kate, aunt Janet, uncle marlon ,everyone else. And toys." We all laughed.

Then paris gave her answer, until everyone at the table had went.

We were all about to eat, when the doorbell rang." I got it!" I said.

"we both will." Daddy said. So he went with me. Just in case.

I swung the door open and came face to face with a little boy with a head full of curls.

He had brown eyes, he was a little taller than me, and he looked so much like daddy that I felt like I was in a dream.

Then I looked at who he was with. I gasped. Then I did a retake." MAMA?!"

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