I cant help it.

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Shocked, I burst back inside of the private living room and shouted," you have CANCER? Mom, you can't!

I haven't even been able to even BE with you! This is so terrible. I can't believe this. Why? Why now?

What kind of cancer do you have?" Daddy and mama turned to me, shocked. Then daddy rolled his eyes, even though I could see his pain.

"Were you eavesdropping again, Jordaynne?" I nodded. " yes." "Why? What did I teach you?" I sighed.

Then I recited," your business is private and little kids shouldn't be hearing what you say unless you ask us to come in."

"Exactly." Daddy said. " now why didn't you listen to what I said?" I put my hands on my hips.

"Sorry, daddy, but if nana Kate was missing for more than part of your life, and you think she is dead, and she all of a sudden returned back into your life with your TWIN, wouldn't you want to know what the hell happened?"

Daddy didn't say anything. Then he spoke. He said," Jordaynne, I know that this is very serious for you,

and it's serious for me too, but you need to know that when I sent you and your brother out of here to talk to your mother, that excluded you from this conversation.

You didn't listen. You eavesdropped. What if she was telling me... Grownup things? Something that children should NEVER hear or even think about. Huh?

Then what, Jordaynne? You would be hearing things that were WAY out of your eight year old league." "Like what?"

I asked, sarcastically." Sex? Sorry daddy, but thanks to Dave, I'm not a virgin."

I turned to mama?" And did I SERIOUSLY hear you say that I have ANOTHER twin brother?! Triplets, mama? How... I... I don't understand.

The media thought that you were only having ME. So did I. And then you pop up out of nowhere and say that you had triplets?!

How could you hide Jason and whoever the hell my other twin is?! How?! A mother having one baby is one thing, but a mother having triplets will have a bigger belly!

Why did you tell ten, mom? That you just got really fat but you are only having one child?!"

Mama burst into tears. I felt terrible for making her cry, but this is a fucking SHOCK.

Daddy snapped."You know what? Take your brother and go to your room. Stay there until I call you. Understand?"

I gasped. I can't even remember daddy grounding me. "Am I on punishment? I asked. He sighed, then nodded.

"for the first time in your life... At least with me. Now go." Mama looked at me. Sympathy washed over her face.

I couldn't tell what hurt the most. The fact that mama WAS alive but wouldn't be for long, I am a triplet, or that I was grounded for the first time.

At least, with daddy.

I slowly backed out of the room. Jason followed me. I took off running upstairs until I reached my room.

I just couldn't believe it. Now? He didn't put me on punishment when I broke three vases that were worth over 209,000$, playing baseball inside due to raining.

He didn't put me on punishment when I ran around the kitchen with a knife and cut my arm, trying to kill a spider.( in my defense, it was a poisonous one.)

He didn't put me on punishment when I called him a few choice words because i just felt like it. (But I did get a four-hour timeout, which made my butt hurt).

Or when I ran out in traffic trying to save the money that he gave me to buy some ice cream.

Or when I jammed up five Neverland rides doing some "spy work."

Or when I let his pet snakes get out of their cages to get some fresh air,(they looked dead to me!) and they ate a big handful of his baby lizards.

Ewww. That was NASTY! Daddy and I both got sick finding... Never mind.

Or when I was trying to play a game with prince and paris and they both almost got electrocuted... Oh. Wait. I DID get punished for that.

A three-month punishment.


Or when I was trying to make breakfast and was flipping some pancakes and it flew out the window and landed right on daddy's new suit(and his hair) and all the eggs came out.

For that one, I did get chased around the house. After daddy took a bath and threw away his suit.

Or when I was cleaning out the fish tank as a surprise for daddy and I broke the huge tank and all 35 fish died.

Daddy's favorite fish, Mr. googly-eyes, died as well.

Daddy made me give them all a memorial. So technically I WAS punished.

Anyway. The list just goes on and on.

There were times when I made daddy so mad that I felt like I was THIS close to getting a spanking.

Luckily daddy doesn't believe in hitting children, or would've gotten it good. Very good.

And sometimes, he just stood there and cried, and THAT felt like a spanking all on its own.

That would make me feel so bad. If someone can do something so evil(like me) to make daddy cry, then you know you did something wrong.

I never see him cry except for when I almost got my brother and sister electrocuted and the media blamed it all on daddy.

They said that he left a lot of things unplugged and prince and paris decided to play with it and almost died.

When In reality, I was unplugging the cords to my play station(for an unknown reason) when prince spilled his water.

And I, AT THAT MOMENT, decided to drop the cords down IN THE WATER, and it shot up a lot of sparks and I had to grab prince and paris and run, because right after that, the play station set on fire.

No one was hurt, but all three of us did get burnt because I slipped while trying to run and the small fire got us on each one of our legs, near out ankles.

I never want to relive that day. Ever.

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