Adopted back into the jackson family

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At last, after reading boring magazines about stuff I already knew, the visitation doors opened and a boy stepped out shyly.

We all gasped.

I decided to speak first, because we had been sitting there in awe for like, 12 more minutes.

"Hi." I said. He put his hands in hi too small jacket and stuttered," h... H.. Hi."

"What's your name?" I asked curiously. He kept his eyes on the floor somewhere about three feet away from my shoes.

"It's... D... DJ." He finally said. "DJ." I nodded." That's cool. What does it stand for?"

He shrugged." The workers told me that... That... That my mama named me Jonathan Daryl but I... I... I switched it around so that I can be called DJ."

He finally looked up and his eyes zeroed in on my face. " and you are supposed to be my twin sister?" He asked.

I nodded." Well, we are triplets. You, me, and Jason."

I looked at Jason, who was pretending to not care about him, but was really trying hard it to stare at his long lost brother.

DJ nodded." I'm glad... Glad that you two are back together. Mama meet told... Told anyone about me."

He slumped into an empty seat." And I don't blame her. Who'd want a s.... stuttering dummy like me?"

I held back tears and I walked over to him and sat down." Us. We want you." I said. He looked at me." Who's 'us'?" I pointed around the room.

"Paris, prince, Jason, daddy, me, all of the boys guard and security. And all of daddy's fans."

I giggled. He cracked a smile." Do you guys really want me? I won't be that much.... Trouble.

I mean... I... I'm... I'm very quiet. I don't ta... Talk much."

I hugged him." Of course we want you." I whispered."yeah. We do." Daddy said, finally finding his voice.

He joined in on the group hug.

"Yeah." Prince said. He joined in too, and so did paris. Jason finally broke and said," it's nice to finally meet you, DJ. Welcome to the jackson family."

The group hug was almost complete. I looked over at the security guards." Get over here." I said to them.

Robbie looked at me." But this is personal business. Not ours-" "get over here or you're fired."

He and the others joined in. After an emotional group hug and explaining everything,

We went back to the hotel after daddy signed some legal papers and showed proof that DJ was his, and showed him off to the media( they had a FIELD day),

And went to but DJ some new clothes. That night, I was fast asleep in the bed with paris curled up next to me.

The door opened and DJ quietly stepped in. He shut the door being himself and walked over to the bed.

I sat up and looked at him." What's wrong?" I asked. He just smiled at me. Then he whispered," I've never slept alone before.

The orphanage was so crowded that we had to sleep five to a bed."

"But you were sleeping with prince." I said." And he.. Well... He's a bed wetter. Did he pee on you or something?"

"No. I just... I feel more comfortable with you. please let me sleep with you, Jordaynne."

"You just met me not more than seven hours ago." I countered.

Is my brother a...? No. For lords sake, he's only 8!

Keep your head out of the gutter, Jordaynne Elizabeth Katherine Taylor Michael Jackson!

I scooted over and patted the bed." Come in." He smiled and slipped in next to me. I laid my head against the pillow and close my eyes.

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