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I had never thought much of the weight of my position. I was carefree and unweighted by anything. I could roam the grounds and do anything I pleased. I was young enough that my father could get away with letting me explore and letting me make the most fun I could out of my childhood. I never understood the gift he gave me until now. He let me have a childhood unburdened by the heavy weight of my crown.

And then he died.

And then I became the king.

I thought after the war everything would be peaceful. I thought the elves and humans would instantly elapse into peace. I guess my naivety is to play for that.

Life is better. Though, I guess my standards are pretty low. Being on the run to a country that hates your species and being in a war against soulless beasts that used to be human are very low bars. Very low bars indeed. But, from then, we have made progress. I see mourning all around me for our lost loved ones, but I also see hope, only an ember, but an ember can start a fire. It will start a fire. We just need to add fuel.

"Hey there, Ez," says a very profound Scottish accent from beside me.

The grass rustles as I turn to look at her. "Hey, Rayla," I answer.

"What'ya doing?" she asks, sitting next to me, leaning against the castle's stone walls.

"I don't know," I answer. "Thinking."

"Anything I can help with?" she asks. She's shifting uncomfortably. I smile. She's never been good with emotions.

"It's okay, thinking can wait. Do you want to do something? I have about thirty minutes till Opeli starts pestering me about getting ready for my high council meeting."

"Is that so?" she smiles. "I was actually going to go on a walk with Callum, though you are welcome to join."

"Ugh, no," I answer. "Come to think of it, I should start preparing for the council now."

"Suit yourself," she answers with a smirk. She gets up gracefully and walks back purposefully, though I know she is still nervous. An elf surrounded by humans. A few years ago- never mind, a month ago, if she were to enter these gates she would be killed. Now, exiled from her own people, she has nowhere to go.

I sigh and push myself off the ground. I have a high council meeting to prepare myself for.

Both Callum and Rayla are there when I walk into the chamber. They sit at the oval table on either side of my tall, ornate throne. Quite frankly, the amount of decoration embarrasses me- it makes me feel shallow and above this world, but no one would let me get rid of such a precious artifact, so I'm stuck with it.

I take my seat and look across at my most trusted advisors- Callum is my high mage, Rayla and Soren are both leaders in my crownguard, and Corvus and Opeli are two of my best advisors. I would have put Aunt Amaya on the high council, but she's usually off on important missions, many of which to Xadia, especially Lux Aurea. (I gave her all the Lux Aurea assignments so she could meet a certain someone).

I glance back at Callum. He has shadows under his eyes. For a moment, I am worried, but then I force it down. It's probably nothing. All of us have been having sleepless nights since we got back from Xadia.

"My King, we have heard increased reports of rebellion in Katolis," Opeli tells me. Always the deliverer of bad news.

The citizens of Katolis are still suspicious of the elves, barely tolerating them in their towns, let alone in their shops and cafes. Peace would be a long time in the coming.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Rayla and Callum glance uneasily at each other. Ever since we got home and their relationship has been known, gossip has spread about the human prince that fell in love with an elf. They think he is under a spell and that I am too blind to notice it. I am afraid for both of them. In a world where elves and humans were sworn enemies, an elven-human relationship is sure to cause some anger.

"King Ezran, what response should we send?" asks Corvus.

I sigh and close my eyes. Why is peace so hard to achieve? "I can't stop them from believing what they have known for their whole life."

"Yes, Ez-King Ezran," says Rayla. "But we have to do something. Something has to be done to show the people that elves and humans are united."

"We could throw a party!" Soren says, and I smile. Soren may be an idiot, but he is incredibly brave and loyal.

"Oh no," Rayla says in her Scottish drawl. "No parties. I hate parties."

I laugh, and turn to Callum, expecting him to add something about how he too loathes parties, but his eyes are closed and he is resting his head on his palm.

"Callum!" I say, and he jolts awake.

"What?! Where?!" he asks groggily. Then, noticing us staring at him, he gives an embarrassed smile looks at us apologetically.

I'm about to ask if he is okay, but Rayla beats me to it.

"Oh, don't worry about me. I'm all good," he says. Why don't I believe it?

"You look like you haven't slept..." she adds.

"No, it's just... the mattress is hard," he answers lamely.

I'm about to answer when Opeli interjects. "Back to the matter on hand, what are we going to do about the rebellion?"

Everyone is looking at me, even my exhausted older brother. I take a deep breath and finally answer. "I think Rayla is right- we need to show the people that elves and humans are united. The only question is what."

By the time the meeting is adjourned, we are still without a solution.

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