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Yes, there's a wall of flames surrounding us, but right now that's the least of my worries.

He says he sees Aaravos. Aaravos? It's only Claudia here. She's what started the fire.


I see the fire creeping closer to Ezran and watch as he backs into me. I catch him before he can fall.

"Thanks!" he wheezes. The air is scorching and thick with smoke. I turn to Callum, only his eyes are closed and he is muing incoherently. "What's wrong with him?" asks Ezran. 

"I don't know," I yell to him over the flames, the sheer reality of our situation crashing down onto me. We're trapped, and Callum looks as if he's about to faint any second. I grab his arm.

But he sticks through. He stays there with his eyes closed, muttering to nothing and instead it's Ezran who falls. I let go of Callum to catch him. His shirt is soaked with sweat and he's choking on the smoke. "Hot," he says before his eyes close and he starts trembling. 

"Ezran! EZRAN!" I yell to no avail. If we don't get out of here, he's going to die - I'm going to die. "CLAUDIA!" I try to shout, but over the flame, I doubt she can hear us. I shout again, "CLAU-" my voice breaks, my thought dry and parched. I collapse to the ground, trying to breathe and darkness crowds my vision. I'm about to pass out.

Then the fire goes out and, though the smoke is still there, it's clearing. 

But I still can't breathe.

"Cal-" I croak before my eyes close. I open my eyes painfully to see I'm being dragged away from the courtyard. I sluggishly look backward to see Callum dragging both me and Ezran towards some bushes. I think I might be hallucinating because he's glowing. When he gently puts us down, I almost cry in relief.  I reach out to him, but my hand passes through his arm. As he fades, I can hear him call out to me.

"Rayla, take care of Ezran."

I don't know what happens after that. The darkness is so beautiful.

The Dragon Prince: After the WarWhere stories live. Discover now