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Something doesn't sit well with me, something that Callum said Aaravos told him in his dream. The part about what Callum was. Why would an evil archmage doubt that Callum is human?

I find him walking through the halls with a box of banners in his arms. I run up to him, surprising him into dropping all of them. They fall on the floor with a thud, multicolored banners covering the floor.

"Sorry!" I say, rushing to pick them up.

He gives me a weak smile, joining me on the floor. "Don't worry about it. I was looking for a distraction from yesterday anyways."

"About that, I was wondering..."

"What?" he asks, his voice warm in a tired sort of way.

I glance around. There are so many people rushing around us with their festival supplies. "Can we talk? In private?"

He looks at me, confused. "What for?"

"It's about... you know."

He nods and scrapes the remaining banners back in the box. "This way," he whispers, beckoning me forward. He ducks in a closet and I follow him. Gently, he closes the door.

"What is it?" he asks me softly, holding my hand. He had placed the banners down next to him.

"Well... you know how - wait, where are we?" I ask suddenly, looking around the dark interior.

He doesn't take his eyes off me. "Some storage unit. Please don't change the subject." He sounds slightly agitated.

"Right. Well, you know how you said that Aaravos asked you what you were? How he questioned you when you said you were a human?"

"Yes?" he answers.

"He's supposed to be insanely powerful, Callum. What if he's right? What if you aren't human?" I ask, unable to keep a tremble from my voice. "At least, fully. That would explain why you can connect to the sky arcanum."

"What are you saying?" he asks with an edge to his voice I've never heard before. 

I force my words out. "What if your father - your biological father - was an elf?"

He just stares at me, and through the darkness, I can see his anger rising. "He wasn't. I'm pretty sure I'd know."

"But..." I start, afraid I'm going too far. "Would you? I mean, he died when you were pretty young."

He lets out a bitter laugh that sends chills down my spine. "No. I may not remember much of him, but I do remember his funeral. It's not something you forget. He was definitely human."

I stop myself from saying, "But appearances can be deceived." He's obviously upset, and I can't say I blame him. "Of course," I say instead. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked."

He lets out a long breath. "It's okay, Rayla. You were only trying to help. But, please, drop it." I can see tears brimming in his eyes. 

I kiss him softly on his lips. "Okay." Secretly, though, I don't know if I can drop it. It makes too much sense to not be true. In all my time as an elven assassin, I've learned to trust my instincts. But I can't betray him so I'll try to. 

For now.

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