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"No!" I scream into this strange new place. The sound bounces off of the ornate walls. "NO!"

I squeeze my eyes shut remembering Aaravos's last words to me: "You, the thief of my key, will be stuck in my prison for eternity while I am free."

No, no, no. He can't mean...

This is bad.

This is really, really, bad. 

"NO!" I yell again with frustration. I furiously glance around, looking for anything that could help me.

I seem to be inside some kind of library with large windows. Windows. I run to them, trying to find some clue as to where I am. To my horror, there is nothing outside. It's all just a humungous grey expanse. 


Where am I?

"There is no escape," I remember Aaravos telling me. I collapse with my back to the wall and bury my head in my hands.


There's always, always, a way. I just need to find it.

I am in a library after all. 

The Dragon Prince: After the WarWhere stories live. Discover now