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I'm scared of the monsters in the dark. They're coming to eat me, I know it. I burst out of the bed covers and run to my parent's room. This is what I've always done when I'm scared by the monsters.

But, today they aren't there. Their beds are empty and it looks like they haven't been slept in. 

"Ma?!" I wail. "Da?!" No answer.

I'm about to panic before I notice a light on downstairs. I creep down and follow the light. There, in our dining room sit my parents with three strangers. One is a Skywing elf - I can tell by his maroon wings, one looks like an Earthblood elf and another is obviously a Moonshadow elf. From their whispers, I can tell that they don't want anyone to hear, so I duck behind a wall.

"-are you doing here?" asks my father.

The Skywing elf and the Earthblood elf exchange a look. "Avizandum finally told us about what the mirror is and why it's so important."

My mother looks at him, shocked. "He's never told anyone about the mirror."

The Skywing nods grimly. "He fears that his time is coming to an end, so he wants us to know the true nature of the mirror."

The other Moonshadow elf pipes in. "Why? Why would make him fear for his life?"

"I'm afraid he didn't say," says the Earthblood. "But what is in the mirror..."

"What?" asks my mother.

"Have you heard the stories?" asks the Skywing. "The ones about the Star-Touch elf that dallied in human affairs, ultimately leading to the discovery of dark magic?"

"Of course," says my father impatiently. "Just get on with it."

"That's the thing, though. It's not just some idle fairytale. It's true," says the Earthblood. "At least according to Avizandum."

My mother unleashes some of her ferocious temper. "You'll have to be a bit more specific than that," she snaps. My father rests a hand on her shoulder. She takes a deep breath.

"You know how the tale - how it says that the Star-Touch elf was brought to justice for his crimes?" continues the Earthblood. "He was trapped in a room out of time, the only entrance-"

"Through that mirror," the other Moonshadow answers, his already pale face going even paler.

The Earthblood nods. "His name is Aaravos, and if Avizandum is to die, then Aaravos will be allowed to escape."

"Oh," says my mother who, along with the other Moonshadow, doesn't have a pint of blood remaining in her face. "Well," she says, her fire returning, "we will just have to make sure nothing happens to him. He will not die on our watch."

The Skywings's wings are flapping nervously. "I hope you're right."

When I've returned to my bed, I realize that the monsters in the dark may be the least scary thing in this world.

"Rayla?" says  Callum's voice, bringing me back to the present.

"Yes?" I answer, realizing I've been spacing out.

"You went somewhere. Where?"

I shake off the flashback. "Bigger question, how do you know about Aaravos." I'll tell him what I know, but first I need to know what he knows, and why he's asking.

He takes a shuddering breath and sits down on my bed hard. "I've been dreaming about him..."

"What?!" I ask, sitting hard next to him. And then he tells me his dreams. When he's done, I'm furiously checking the room to make sure there are no intruders. 

"Rayla!" he says forcefully.

"What?" I say, pausing my check to glance at him. 

"Who is he? You obviously know of him."

I sigh. Then, I sit on the bed next to him again, my hands shaking more than they have since I was five and afraid of the dark. He takes my hands in his and looks at me with pleading eyes. 

"Rayla," he starts. "Who is he? Please, I have to know."

I sigh again. Then, it's my turn to tell my story. When I start talking, I can't stop. He just looks at me with eyes that are so close, yet so distant. They are deep in thought.

"What was the story?" he asks at last.

"There was a Star-Touch elf, they're the most powerful types of elf in existence - so powerful that they live in magical realms away from those of us in Xadia. Star-Touch elves were supposed to be benevolent, for the good of the people, but he went dark. He-he was the one to discover dark magic and he was the one to give it to humans."

"So..." Callum begins, "It is his fault humans were banned from Xadia? And the elves just blamed dark magic on the humans."

I feel a sudden urge to defend my people. "It was their fault for accepting the dark magic gift... but," I say, regaining my hold on my temper, "I suppose they felt like they were treated as inferior to elves. That may have been true. Still, it doesn't justify accepting something as horrendous as that."

Now it's Callum's turn to sigh. "Sorry, I didn't mean that, that it was the elves' fault. I just... well that dream has put me on edge. What does that mean, though? Why was Aaravos in my dream?"

I answer the only way I can. "I don't know. But I know how we could find out."

"How?" he asks.  

I can feel a grin returning to my face. "Library."

He gives me a weak smile in return. "Library."

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