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Is exhaustion a disease?

Yesterday, Callum looked like he was going to collapse because of a lack of sleep, and now Rayla's at it too. Also, there's weird green stuff sticking out of both of their hair. Leaves? It's as if they crept in the courtyard, dressed themselves up as bushes, and went back to their rooms. 

I know they're up to something. What makes me sad is the fact they haven't told me yet. There was a time when Callum never kept a secret from me. Now, everything's different. Now, he has Rayla.

I force my bitterness down. I should be supportive and kind to them. They are together and have found happiness, no matter the odds stacked against them. It's as if my family has grown. Still, it's hard for me not to be happy for them all of the time, especially because of how close they are. Callum tells Rayla things he tells no one else, including me. I try not to blame him, though. Both of them had a very hard life, even harder than min

Still, I'm Callum's half-brother and have grown up with him.

Maybe it's different though. I'm so much younger than him, a whole five years, and I've only experienced one parent dying (two if you count my mother, but I don't as she died when I was a baby). Callum experienced three of his parents dying. Now, since King Harrow died, he is like a second father/very caring older brother to me. I can see why he might not want to tell me his secrets. Either way, he'll probably tell me if it's important.


Anyways, I have my own problems to worry about.

The rebels' ranks are growing fast. There's been talk about a coup to remove me and my government, the elf-loving traitors. This is one of the times where I wish my dad was here. He'd know what to do. Or my mom. From Callum's stories, she was extremely smart and was good at keeping the peace.

"Our spy within the rebel forces has reported that a coup is being planned for sometime next week. Sadly, they were unable to gain specifics," says Opeli. We're having another high council meeting.

"They?" asks Soren, puzzled. "I thought you said there was only one spy."

"They're non-binary," Opeli answers. "Anyways, King Ezran, what course of action do you suggest take?"

Their eyes are boring into me. I will never get used to how everyone looks to me as if I know what I'm doing. "What are our options?" I finally answer.

"Well, we could arrest them," says Soren. 

"No," I say firmly. "These people have grown up with the belief that elves are evil. They just need to meet elves and learn that they are people too - er, so to speak. Forcing them to like elves with fear of being arrested will never end well."

"Could we do something to make them see that elves aren't bloodthirsty monsters?" asks Callum. "We could introduce people to elves to make them see that they aren't bad."

Rayla looks thoughtful, in an exhausted kind of way. "I agree. Often, the reason people believe this garbage about other groups is because they have had little to no contact with the group."

"You sound like you speak from experience," says Corvus.

She blushes bright red.

"I think you may be on to something," I say. "Could we hold an event of some sort to get humans to learn about elves and their culture? If they know more about elves, they may be less likely to be afraid."

"So I was right," Soren says, grinning. "We need to hold a party."

Rayla shoves him playfully. "More like an elven informational party. Still, don't get a big head about it."

"Me?" Soren replies with the grin still plastered on his face. "Never."

I smile and turn to Opeli. "Can you make it happen?"

Opeli looks thoughtful. "I think so. I'm not sure if it will work and if the rebels will actually come, but it's our best shot."

"Looks like we have a party to plan," I say with a grin. For the first time in a while, I feel hope. Maybe we finally have a solution. 

The Dragon Prince: After the WarWhere stories live. Discover now