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Jungkook hopped happily along with Taehyung by his side. He had no idea of what's to come but knew he had to be careful. He was close to his rut, and with a thirsty hybrid like Taehyung near him tonight, things might end differently.

Taehyung on the other hand had planned for a little action at the end of the night, being able to smell that his Kookie was close to his rut.

They entered a small cafe, but Taehyung just picked something up from the counter and left, dragging Jungkook along. Jungkook saw that Taehyung was holding a basket in his hand. They walked in silence for a bit more. Hand in hand as they were comfortable there together. Taehyung stopped and faced Jungkook, giving him the basket to hold. When Taehyung pulled a picnic rug from the top of the basket out and laid it on the grass a top the hill they were standing on, Jungkook gasped. He hadn't expected anything like this. It seemed so romantic.

Almost right out of a fanfiction.

Jungkook sat down next to Taehyung. His hair fell in his face as he gazed up at Taehyung. A sparkle evident in his eyes.

"Kookie?" Taehyung's raspy voice peirced Jungkook's ears like cutting a slice of cake.

"Yes~?" Jungkook noticed the surprising longing that was clear in his own voice but decided to ignore it.

"How come you hide your hybrid?" Jungkook froze. Only Jimin knew. His parents were dead, and Jimin was the only one that seemed trustworthy to him.

"I- uh........ Well, that's an interesting question.. um.... -"

Taehyung chuckled. "It's ok if you don't want to tell me. On another note, have you ever had your first kiss~~?"
Jungkook froze completly that time. The only thing changing in his face was the redder his face became. "I'll take that as a no~ well, better make this one special then." Taehyung leaned closer to Jungkook and held his chin up. As he got closer, Kookie could feel his heartbeat rapidly beat fast by the second.
Before Jungkook had even began to think of what was happening, time seemed to have stopped. Taehyung had his lips upon Kookie's and a shot of electricity seemed to have sho down Kookie's back. His mind had caught up to him and Kookie started internally screaming. Kim-flipping-Taehying was kissing him. KIM-FLIPPING-TAEHYUNG WAS KISSING HIM. Kookie couldn't believe it.

Jungkook felt Taehyung bite his lip. Jungkook moaned a little bit and widened his mouth just a bit. Taehyung stopped his tongue into Kookie's mouth, familiarizing himself with his dark cavern, wondering what else he could explore.

The kiss ended when Taehyung pulled away, leaving a paring and shocked Jungkook lying on the picnic rug, confused and flushed.

"How was that experience~?" Jungkook, to dazed to answer, just nodded, still staring at the sky. Taehyung chuckled and laid down next to him. Jungkook felt a hand grasp his and he closed his fist around it, resulting in Taehyung and Jungkook to hold hands, under the clouds atop a hill. Jungkook was in pure bliss or basically, just heaven.

"You're cute."  Jungkook heard Taehyung mutter. It didn't seem like the normal times the older would flirt. This seemed genuine. Almost foreign from the bad boys mouth.

"You're cute too~." Jungkook beamed, happily.

*time skip coz maybe a bit more of other ships ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)*

Yoongi knocked on the door and Jimin opened it with a smile.

"Hey Jiminie, where are Tae and Kook going?"

"On a date."


"I don't know, probably."

"oh, Kay, well then, it's just us two now :)"

"Yup." Jimin was about to close the door after letting Yoongi in but there was another knock on the half way open door.

"Knock knock."

"Oh, hey, Jin hyung, what are you doing?"

"Well, Namjoonie and I thought we'd have a day with you guys. And Namjoon's roommate blew up half the room."

"Riiight, and you couldn't go to your room because...?" Yoongi chimed in. It was clear he was irritated.

"Well I'm not gonna be there while Hoseok is inviting girls over all the time."

"Fair enough." Jimin noted, inviting them in.

"Why do we always get interrupted.." Yoongi mumbled before shuffling to the couch and lying down on it.
Jimin was about to walk past to the chair near Yoongi's head, but got pulled down by Yoongi into his lap.

"Yah! Hyung!?!!" Jimin squealed, startled by the sudden movement.
Yoongi said nothing but snuggled into Jimin's back affectionately while hugging him closely.

"Aigoo.. Namjoonie, why can't we be that cute~~???" Namjoon shrugged while sitting down on a two seated couch with popcorn.

"I dunno, maybe 'coz when I try, you push me away.." Namjoon answered.

"That's not true!" Namjoon pulled Jin down and snuggled up to his side.

"Aish, I need space. Get off~" Jin pushed Namjoon away.


"Yeah, yeah. Move!" Jin pushed Namjoon's arms out of the way and laid his head on the latters lap. "That's better. Just don't poke me."

"Yeah, yeah, that's cute and all, but let's just watch a movie." Yoongi's grouchy self was back again as he hugged Jimin tighter.

They couldn't find what movie watch on Netflix until Jin nearly screamed after seeing Pixels. So they watched Pixels.

*time skip*

Keys jingled from the other side of the door, along with laughter. All four heads turned to the door. Once opened it revealed a lusty Taehyung and a drunk Kookie. But that wasn't the shocking part. The shocking part is that Jungkook was showing his rabbit ears.

"YAH!! Taehyung! What are you doing??! Jungkook is far too young to be getting drunk. Did you even think about alcohol poisoning. What if you were both drunk and got hit by a car!! What then?!?!! Did you think of the consequences! No you didn't-" Jin was cut off by Tae.

"Jesus, relax Eomma."

"don't cALL ME EOMMA!" Namjoon got up to calm his boyfriend. He knew this stage all too well. There was only one thing that could calm him down and that was you g to need some privacy.

"Ok, Jinnie, we need to go before you kill Taehyung. Bye guys." Namjoon left, dragging an infuriated Jin with him.

"Welcome back hoe's." Jimin mused once the Namjin couple had left.

"Hehe. Y-you'r-e t-he o-onl-y h-Oe he-re h-yun-g." Jungkook slurred, stumbling into the door. His rabbit ears drooped along the side of his face.

"I take that into offense, you know."

"He's not wrong.." Jimin heard Yoongi mutter. Jungkook giggled some more and ran to Taehyung.

"Taehyun-gie.. H-ehe, y-you'r-e....." Jungkook never finished his sentence before he fell asleep in Taehyung's arms.

"So I'm gonna make sure he gets to actual bed."

"Yeah you will." Jimin muttered.

"What was that?"


"O-kay?" Taehyung left to Jungkook's room.

"So, we're all alone now." Yoongi whispered into Jimin's ear. Jimin got the hint and turned to face Yoongi.

A/N: so here's another update.

I just wanna know if you think Hoseok should be straight or gay in this fanfic. And which person he should be with coz we got to have Hoseok with someone.

Word count: 1219

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