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"NO!!" A women was screaming. Growling in the background. Jungkook looked around him, searching, hoping for an escape. His heart beating twice as fast. Adrenaline pumping through him. The women kept screaming. "NO!! ANYTHING BUT JUNGKOOK!!" 

An alpha wolf hybrid stood in front of both of them, women and Jungkook. He had a menacing look half hidden in the shadows. A thick beard grown over his face. He growled a bit as he stared down at the loud women. Her ears flattened and cut. Blood dripping from her facewhere some had dried. Jungkook looked behind him to see more wolf hybrids. Snarling and growling. His eyes fel upon on wolf in particular. Maybe one or two years older. Brown hairand black clothing. The boy's eyes fell on Jungkook's too. There eyes met and Jungkook could feel something. 

"Taehyung, please deal with this feral rabbit." The alpha's voice boomed. The boy stood from the wall he was leaning on and headed towards Jungkook's mother. He grabbed her by the neck, Jungkook's mother gasping for whatever breath she could get. Hands grabbing at her neck as her face paled. Few attempts more until her hands fell limp by her side and her head hung. Taehyung dropped the women to the ground and faced Jungkook. He could only feel fear at this exact second. Jungkook tried his best to free himself from the grasp of the wolf holding him. Suceeding and bolting towards the door at a speed of greatness. 

He didn't dare look back as he ran for his life. He could hear faint banging in the distance. The wolves were close on his tail. He ran till he arrived at a small house at the corner of a street and knocked upon the wooden door. More banging could be heard as the door opened and a small fox hybrid opened the door. He saw Jungkook panting and collapse at the doorstep. More banging. 

All he could see was darkness. The banging was getting louder. Jungkook woke up in a panic. Beads of sweat falling down his face. It was pitch black in his room and he could hear banging from outside. Jungkook left his bed to suss out the noise. The noise was coming fromthe front door. As he neared the kitchen he noticed Jimin emerging from his room with a baseball bat. Both approached the front door with extreme caution. Slowly opening the door to reveal a drunk Taehyung barely able to stand properly. Eyes closed in a dazed expression. "Taehyung!!?"

"K-koo-kie..! I-I misse-d youuuuu!!" Taehyung leaned in to give Jungkook a kiss but Jungkook held him back. It was quite easy to do so with his drunk state. 

"Taehyung! Why did you leave like that?! Why are you drunk?! What happened?!?" Jungkook was worried sick thinking that Taehyung had been murdered or, god forbid, murdering.  

"Jun-gko-ok.. Wh-why can't youu telll meeee..?" Taehyung slurred. Jungkook stayed silent, occasionally glancing towards Jimin. 

"Because I know you'll treat me differently. I don't want that. You'll think I'm fragile and try to protect me and if not that then something way worse. I don't want that." Jungkook begged Taehyung. He hated them fighting. He hated keeping this from him but it was the only way to kepp them both safe. He hoped he never had to face Taehyung's family. He was curious why he was even alone without them, aren't they a pack? 

"How-Why wo-uld I tr-tr-eat yooou differently??" 

"You just would. Please drop it and come to bed. It's 2 o'clock in the morning." Taehyung slowly nodded in his direction allowing himself to be dragged by Jungkook. Jimin, too tired to focus properly, just dragged his baseball bat back to his room after locking the door again. 

*time skip brought to you by an author trying to rush the plot :3*

The birds chirped outside as Taehyung groaned, hiding his head under the pillow.  It had been weeks since the first drunken incident and Taehyung and Jungkook kept having fights about it. Sometimes it would end in sex, sometimes it would end in Taehyung leaving and arriving back late at night, drunk off his ass. This time however was different. They had no idea how bad things would turn out from here. 

"Jungkook?" Taehyung always woke up the next morning with a sleepy Jungkook curled against his chest, but Jungkook was no where to be found. He checked the time and it was 9:20. Odd. Taehyung got up. Moving the blanket off of him and standing in only a pair of boxers. He left the room hoping to find that Jungkook was maybe making breakfast. Nope. He headed to the lounge room, passing the bathroom. Taehyung holted, however, when he heard the sound of hurling in the bathroom. He just thought it was probably Jimin that got kocked up by Yoongi or something. But before he could pass the bathroom, Jungkook emerged, looking light headed. 

"Babe? What's wrong?" Taehyung asked. 

"Nothing.. I just woke up this morning and needed to throw up. It's nothing, I'm just probably getting sick" Jungkook brushed it off. 

Over the next few days, it kept happening. Taehyung would wake to an empty bed, Jungkook hurling in a toilet. All thoughts of the fight gone. It had nearly been a week. Tonight all of the guys were going to come over to hang out. 

It was around 5:30 when the first knock on the door was heard. Emerged through the wooden frame was Hoseok with Jin and Namjoon linked arm in arm. Jin's idea, obviously, from their expressions. They all talked, waiting for everyone else to arrive. At around 7:00, the last people walked through the door and Soobin and Kai had made it, bearing a large bag of enormous marshmallows. 

"Ok, truth or dare... Beomgyu." Namjoon asked. 

"Truth- no dare!" 

"I dare you to feed Yeonjun a random juice from the kitchen." Namjoon smirked.

"Aigoo! Why me?" Yeonjun whined.

"Because you're next to him." Namjoon spoke, taking a marshmallow and holding it on a metal stick over a candle. 

As Beomgyu got up, so did Jungkook. 

"JK, where are you going?" Hoseok asked. Jungkook freezed. He looked at Taehyung hoping he'll get the message. He did. 

"Jungkook told me he needed to go do something real quick, no big deal." Taehyung looked back at Jungkook and saw his thankful eyes before rushing off with his hand over his mouth. 

After a few more rounds of Truth or Dare, eight passed out boys were sleeping soundly in the living room. Yoongi and Jimin in Jimin's room and Taehyung and Jungkook in Jungkook's room.

"Jungkook, we need to see a doctor about your constant vomiting." Taehyung whispered to Jungkook rubbing his cheek gently with his forefinger.

"Ok." Jungkook answered before drifting off to sleep.

Word count: 1152

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