The Hunt of a Bad Man

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Going down the highway we began discussing tactics about when we got to the house. I wrote on the pad that I should go to the door and bang on it. Seeing my face will make them open the door and then see if he's there. I was given a walkie talkie that was used by Baby Lyssa to use for this mission. If he's there I would click my walkie twice and if not only once. We didn't call anyone incase of a tip off to Gary. This feeling of dread did not go away, instead increased as we got closer. I kept tapping my fingers and I finally hear Dog sigh and say "Nervous?" Nodding my head yes, I wrote on my pad that Gary was violent to me during my time in the cult. Nearly killed me at one point but I was ready this time. He had no hold on me and I felt free from him. I saw Dog nod and turn to the window, and I did the same. The silence gave me strength that I knew I was going to need.

Arriving at the property, I take a deep breath. Hopping out of the car, I start my walk to the house. Hopping over dead branches and avoiding cracks due to superstition, I finally made my way to the door. I lift my fist to the door and I begin to bang on the door. I nearly force the door in on how hard I am banging and I almost knocked out the person who answered the door. There stood the person I was looking for, otherwise known as Gary Lahote. I gave him a quick smile and I saw his face contort with rage. He raised his hand and I raised up my fists. This wasn't the first fight I was in with him and I knew it wouldn't be the last. Feeling him punch my left eye, I quickly punched his left eye. Then going back for a quick jab, I hit the right side of his ribs. He quietly groaned and then started to come after me again. Realizing that the Chapman's had no idea what was going on I tried to grab the walkie. He saw what I was trying to grab and grabbed it from my back pocket. "You needing this Katherine? To bad" and then threw it across the yard. At that moment I knew I had two choices; try and grab the walkie with the chance of being caught or run and try to grab attention from the cars. Realizing option one was the best choice I tries to bolt to the other side of the yard. Instead I feel my shoulder being grabbed and I feel myself get tumbled back a couple feet. I see a fist and I rolled out of the way, feeling the air of the punch pass my face. I kick out my foot and I felt it connect with his knee. What he had in strength, I had in smarts. I saw him drop and I quickly crawl over to him. I grabbed his hands and forced him onto his stomach. Holding both hands with one hand of my own I tried to grab the walkie talkie.  Apparently he saw and opportunity and back head butted me. I rolled over and groaned at the pain blossoming through my head. Seeing him try and sit on my waist, I twisted myself so I was on my stomach. Trying to crawl away, I saw the walkie a foot away from me. I lunged for it and clicked the button twice. Feeling him grab my foot and twist me back to my back, I feel a bulge in my back pocket. Snaking my hand to my back pocket I felt my hand circle the pepper spray that Tim had given me. Yanking it out, I spray Gary in the eyes. He screams and backs away from me. At this time Leland has came and has tackled Gary. I see Dog run to the car and grab a water bottle. I sit up so I am no longer laying on my back. I crawled away a couple of steps and look at the scene before me. Getting a sense of rage and fury, I stand up and walk over to Gary. I see him look up at me and I hear the words "You're a stupid bitch, you know that? Everyones gonna know that you work for the Dog now, YOU HEAR ME!" I couldn't listen to him state my fears anymore so I did the most rational thing I could; I punched him in the face. As he fell I felt Leland's hands on my shoulders as if to guide me away. I shake him off and I got to Gary's level. Looking him in the eyes, I mouth the words I knew he feared "I'm not scared of you but you should be terrified of me." Seeing his eyes pop out I knew I had scared his wet and terrified form. He knew he had been caught and that was a big no no. Leland shook me out of my bubble and grabbed my shoulders and forcefully led me away. 

At the car I finally felt my eye begin to throb and my ribs beginning to ache. Holding a cold water bottle to my eye, I slightly groan. I saw Tim come up to me and hold his hand up. I looked down and saw that my shoes looked more interesting at that moment. Lifting my face with his right hand he looked at me. "You did good kid. I'm proud that you defended yourself but not so proud that you punched him in the face after we cuffed him. Keep that in mind when you go to get the next guy." I saw the look in his eyes and what he said was true; he was proud. I felt myself beam a little bit. Getting into Beth's car, I slide into the middle. I felt a shift and saw Leland on my right and Baby Lyssa on my left. I look over at the both of them and I hear Leland pipe up. "Nice right hook by the way. If you ever want to fight or even just let out some steam let me know. I can take you to the gym that we all go too." I nod in appreciation and looked over Leland and looked out the window. 

As we arrived to the jail, I feel myself get nauseous. Being here again in a span of less than 12 hours made e uneasy. We all made our way out of the car and I can hear Gary screaming. Looking over at the car, I realized he was fighting Tim and Dog about going to jail. Seeing him get pushed up the sidewalk, I shoot him a glare. Seeing him get scared, I waved as he passes me. It was the only time he was quiet and I was thankful. Booking him only took a couple minutes and I saw Tim come back out. Walking over to me he threw his arm over my shoulder and stated "Let's go home."    

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