A Sunny Day In Colorado

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To say that we got in trouble for what happened at the mall would be an understatement. We got yelled at by Dog saying that "It was a good job but next time please wait so that you don't get hurt next time. Also, you can't be so reckless because that's what will get you killed." Listening to that lecture and trying to go to bed after, I got sidetracked by Leland. Blocking the way into our room, I raised my eyebrows as I pushed my way in. Hearing the door close behind me, I turn to Leland waiting for the blow to happen. How this wasn't a good idea, that maybe I should go back to Hawaii if I couldn't be trusted. He surprised me by pulling me into a hug and started to stroke my hair. "I'm just glad you're okay. If you see a criminal in the streets and grabbing them with zip ties was smart but dad was right, it could get you killed." Pulling away from him I sign 'It's funny because that was the same man that bothered me at the mall.' Shaking his head and going to the bed to sit, I go to the bathroom to put on pajamas. Coming back out, I see that Leland has knocked out on the bed. Going over to him, I push him to his side of the bed and climb under the covers. Pulling down on the lamp string I turn and knock out too. 

I wake up with a start and sit straight up. Panting, I begin to pull my hair and try to control my breathing. I turn my head to look at the clock when I read 3:37 am in bright bold letters. Pulling the covers off, I get up and creep my way down the stairs. Going to the kitchen, I see that theres a light on. I walk up and see that's its Dog in the kitchen grabbing a drink. Creeping up behind him, I tapped him on the shoulder. "Jesus Christ!" I him shout and I quickly turned him around to put my hand over his mouth. Seeing that it was me, he quieted down and gave me a quick glare. Throwing my head back I give him a quiet chuckle and point to the glass. "Sure" I hear him mumble and grabbed me one from the cabinet. Going to the sink and filling it with tap water, I leaned my back against the sink and raised my eyebrow at him. "I'm not telling you why I'm down here. Get lost kid." Shrugging my shoulders I chugged the rest of my water. Placing the glass in the sink, I make my way up the stairs and collapse on the bed. I turn my head to see the time was 3:15 and I let out a soft groan. I turned my head to look at the ceiling, and began to day dream. I knew that once I woke up I wouldn't be able to go back to bed. Getting up again, I see that the PS4 was installed in this room. Quirking a brow, I went up and grabbed a controller. Pressing the middle button, I see the tv begin to glow. Sighing, I turn to look at Leland and I saw him sleeping peacefully. I turn my head, feeling the heat roll through my cheeks. I felt like a creeper but honestly the question had to be asked: How is he still asleep? Shaking my head I click on Leland's profile, and begin to scroll through the games that he has downloaded. Seeing the uncharted series, I click on it and begin a new game. It wasn't until I felt an arm around my waist and face pressed against my neck, that I stopped playing. Putting the game on pause, I turn my head and look at Leland who was hiding in my neck. I felt him smile in my neck and I turned my body to him signing out a 'good morning.' "Good morning Kat" I hear him muffle in my neck and I felt the bed shift from his weight. 

Looking over I pat his head and take his arms off my waist. I get up and make my way to the door, looking to see his reaction. He looked up and gave me sad puppy dog eyes, which I returned with rolled eyes. I make my way down the stairs and go down to the kitchen. I grab an apple, quickly taking a bite out of it. I see Beth sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee. I go to her and sit down next to her, taking another bite as I go. I begin to sign 'Good morning' as she says to me "Good morning Katherine, I'm letting you know that today is a day off for us. After everything that's been happening, we all need a day to decompress." I nod my head agreeing with what she has to say. It's been hell the past couple of days and honestly would be a great day to chill out. It's a sunny day in Colorado and it's too nice to spend in doors. I go upstairs and sign what Beth has said to Leland. He also agrees and wants to spend it on the ATVs. I nod my head and we round up all the kids. 

Food was made and eaten quickly for all of us to head outside. It was nice to see the games everyone played on the ATVs but it wasn't my thing. Before going outside I grabbed a book that I had picked up at the mall that had peaked my interest. It was a new series that came out and being the nerd I was, grabbed it and hoped for the best. Opening my brand new twilight book, I had just started getting into chapter 1 when I felt a wet substance on my head. Looking up I saw Leland, Dog, and Duane Lee holding water balloons. They had thrown a water balloon at my head and got the book wet. Sighing and eyeing the boys, I put the book down and stood up. Walking up to Leland, I grab the balloon out of his hand. He begins to stammer "I'm sorry Kat, it was an accident. I swear that's all it-" I didn't let him finish. I slammed the water balloon over his head and then the war broke out. Colors were flying everywhere and people got pelted with balloons. It was madness to say the least. It wasn't for half an hour that things started to calm down. Balloons were finally all thrown out and all the adults and kids were panting. I look up to Leland who was soaked from head to toe. I myself, wasn't looking that hot either. We all were tired and ready to get these sticky clothes off. Or at least I was. 

Going into the house and not trying to get mud or water everywhere was a task. Towels were in shambles on the floor and footprints to either the bathroom or bedroom showed where people where going. I kicked off my shoes and went to the bedroom we share. Leland was in the shower at this point and I need a towel. Knocking on the door and covering my eyes, I went in and quickly grabbed a towel to dry off. Running out of the bathroom, I could hear Leland laugh. Drying my hair with the towel, I grabbed some new clothes and put them on so I wouldn't feel so gross. I heard the door and saw Leland come out with a towel around his waist. Feeling my cheeks turn red, I turn and look away to look at the floor. I heard him laugh and heard the drawers open and close. Hearing a "You're good" I turn and look at him. I nod my head to the door and we both went downstairs to see the destruction of chaos left. We started to pick up the towels and throw them in the hamper so it wouldn't be such a mess. Looking at Dog I could see his phone in his hand. Getting a dreadful feeling, I knew we were about to be thrown into a whirlwind of shit.  

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