A New Bounty Pt. 2

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I think the shock on my face was enough to tell everyone that I knew the person. Whipping my head to Leland I began to sign very quickly that I knew her. Getting a dumb founded look on his face, I realized that I was signing too quickly for him to understand. Taking a breath, I began to sign slower. 'This girl runs with the more harsher side of the gang. She's the one the girls go to when there's been an attack on one of the girls. Let's just say that theres a lot more that goes on behind the scenes more than you think there is.' Nodding his head he begins to translate what I had just signed out for him. Dog turns his head and goes "Well, how would you know that?" Cocking my head to the side I mouth out the words 'Cause I've been there. It sucks' Seeing a slight pink come across his cheeks, I lean back into the couch praying that it would swallow me up. Feeling a weight on my thigh, I look down slightly to see Leland's hand has taken a liking to that particular spot. Giving him a sigh, I slowly bring my hand down to his to take his hand off of my thigh. Instead of letting go, he squeezed my thigh in his hand and in turn made me give a slight jump. Now glaring, I get up to go grab a file that was presented on the table. "Well if she's as dangerous as Katherine says she is I want to suit up now. I don't want anyone getting hurt and I don't want anybody being kidnapped." Giving a scoff  I shake my head and I lead my way to a holster. Starting to loop it around my belt and going around my thigh, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Seeing that it was Beth, I gave her a small smile. "You're allowed to carry a pepper ball gun because you're hunting a dangerous fugitive with us. Forget the mace, carry the gun." Giving her a quiet laugh, I get all my stuff and head outside. Hopping in the car, I see that it wasn't Beth's car I was in, rather I was in Dog's. Shrugging my shoulders, I lean my head against the window waiting for them to all come out.

Playing the waiting game is not my favorite thing to do. Going to one house and finding out that she just left and would be "right back." 'Right back my ass' I thought looking out the window to what seemed the tenth time today. Seeing a big blue blur, I pick up head to look at what was coming towards the car. There she was in all of her glory; Dedra Smith. Getting all of my senses back in gear, I began to open up the car door. "Where are you going?" I hear Duane Lee ask but it was too late. I had booked it out to the car door to see her turn and run away from me. I hear doors slam behind me but I couldn't be bothered. Bolting down the street where I saw her turn, I pump my legs to go faster. Whistling to let Leland know to cut her off, I hop over the fence of where she just hopped over. Giving myself a deep breath, I take off again to see her hop another fence. Behind this fence I hear the grunts and heavy breaths of multiple people. "Stay down! Don't you fight me girl!" I hear Leland say as I hop over the fence. Seeing her try to get up from Leland, I hop down from the top of the fence landing on my feet. She saw my boots at her eye level and glanced up at me. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Katherine, the girl who couldn't stand up for herself against Duncan. You still his little bitch?" She snarled at me as she was lifted up by Leland. Looking at her eye to eye, I stared her down. She must of saw the flicker of anger in eyes as she walked by making her cower into her shoulders. Holding my head up, I walked behind Leland and got into Dog's car again. As everyone piled in, I hear Dog give a sigh. "You can't run off like that. We work as a team and you know that." I nod my head in confirmation and looked out the window. 

Arriving at the jail and pulling her out of the car was another story. Her fighting us so hard made the cops in the jail come out and helped us pull. With a very loud and very phrased "I'm not going in", the cops had to finally tase her. It was actually the highlight of my night. Leaning against the car, I see that the family is talking to the film crew. Out of the corner of my eye I see that Leland had finally come out of the jail. Kicking myself off the car, I gesture that I was ready to go. He came down the stairs and we climbed into Beth's car this time. Seeing that Beth was in the back with me, I give her a slight smile. Giving me one back, we all made our way back to the house.       

A/N I'm back for an update in February! Guys we are number 1 in Leland! I can't thank you guys enough for the support! Now I'm planning on giving another update soon cause I do have a break coming up but I'm slammed with finals. Keep it real guys and see you next time. 

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