Chapter One: A Free Woman

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                            I finally heard the jingle of keys and the clicking of the lock turning into my cell. I braced myself upon my forearms and looked at the warden. With a huff, he signals me to get up and follow him. I scramble to get up as fast as I can and walk with him down the narrow hallway. Walking by, I can hear the screams of the ones kept in here and the banging on the bars. A familiar face catches my eye and I slightly smirk. It was Abbey and boy did she looked pissed. The black eye that I gave from the fist fight a couple days ago stood out promptly, and I couldn't help the little bubble of pride swell up in chest. I gave her a little wave of my fingers and continued on behind the officer. 

 As we get to the front office, I didn't that the officer stopped at the gate. Too involved with the troubling Abbey, I nudged the the back of the officer in front of me, not watching where I was going. With an annoyed glance, he waved me through to the front gate to make me meet my bail bondsman. I scurry from behind him to look at my bail bondsman who quite honestly, made me look a little terrified. With his gray hair slicked back into a tight ponytail and a firm look on his face, it made me realize that this was real. Before I take a seat, I hear him introduce himself to me. "My name's Tim. Are you going to tell me yours?" I quickly shake my head and I saw the guard pull him to the side. Hearing them whisper I quickly gather what they were talking about. My muteness, what happened to my tongue, and the trauma that endured while I lived on the mainland. He makes his way back over to me and gives me a quick smile. He gestures to the seats in front of him and I quickly obliged. Sitting down I hear him open my file, and a small gasp escaping his lips. 

I send him a small smirk and settle on my elbows. I give him a raise of my eyebrows when he starts to murmur about my record. "...armed robbery in the first, assault in the second, violation in parole... Jesus kid" I give him a hum of agreement and see him slam down the folder front of me. I see the wheels turning in his head as he tries to make sense of this situation. I look down as I already know the answer to this case. He would tell me that he couldn't bail me out due to me being one of the worst case scenarios that he ever would have. I was a flight risk and I was too dangerous to be let out in the real world.  

 He looks at me and I see the heaviness that weighs in his eyes. You could see the light however, and you could tell that he had what I had ever wanted; a home that loved me. He begins to speak and not in the way I though he would. "If we bond you out Katherine, we are going to make a deal. You help us out with your guns dealer and we'll make sure that you have a place to stay. Along with that, we'll give you food to eat every night and give you a job. You can't however have any bad influences in your life. This also means that you cannot do drugs, can't drink, and have to check in everyday. This would be non-negotiable." The smirk was gone and disbelief was written on my face. He would really do that for me? Out of everything that I've done, I'm being shown kindness? The feeling I felt was overwhelming and I felt my bottom lip wobble. I nod my head yes, agreeing to the terms that had made. I saw him smile and I heard the scrape of the chair. Seeing him stand and make his way over to me, I also quickly stand.

I follow him to the area of dischargement and saw him sign my bond. Walking over to the window, I gathered my clothes from personal belongings and made my way over to the bathroom. I change into the clothes that I had first had brought in here with. A pair of worn blue jeans, a black top, and a pair of pastel green converse. In a little baggie I saw my two crystals that I had gathered over my travels. Smiling I put them on, enjoying the coolness of the chain and the actual crystal on my skin. I walk out to see Tim talking to the guy at the window. I hand him the jail clothes and begin to follow Tim. Following him out to the car, I hopped into the passenger side and shut the door. As we made our way to the office to fill out more paperwork, I felt myself smile. 

This was it. I was finally free. 

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