Voltron. Chapter 2.

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"Keith is so going to kill me" Pidge mumbled as she walked down the street after Keith told her not to move from a certain spot. 

She would listen to him but she wanted to see what was happening in town. She met a little boy who said something about a parade done by voltron. She never really seen a real town or city before so this was all knew to her. She wouldn't lie, she was amazed by everything and she wanted to show Keith. She started heading back and planned to run over the street where the parade walked but it seemed she was stopped.

"sorry little miss but wait your turn and I'm sure your see your favourite character soon" a tall women with white hair smiled sweetly as she held a balloon out for pidge.

"i just need to pass" Pidge sighed and pushed the balloon back.

"got you" a harsh voice grumbled behind her as they grabbed her arm.

"Keith" Pidge asked unsure and turned round to find a stranger in a suit not looking do friendly.

"oh look at the time, its pass my bedtime" Pidge nervously smiled and stepped on the gun foot before running.

"I'm am so i going to kill her when i find her" Keith growled as he walked the crowed streets looking for pidge but froze as he saw her run past before a couple men ran past chasing her.

"Keith" She yelled looking aimlessly around for the gun.

"Pidge" Keith yelled with worry and ran after her watching as she knocked a gun over in a blue cat suit.

"sorry" She yelled as she kept running.

"hey" the gun inside the suit yelled. 

"not sorry" Keith mumbled as he ran over the gun in a cat suit.

Keith kept running and running after the guns hoping to catch up but soon he felt someone pull on his arm. 

"pidge" Keith whispered.

"i tricked them" Pidge smirked and pulled him into an ally.

"who are they" Keith asked as he looked around to make sure no one else was around. 

"i dont know, one of them just grabbed me and then i ran" Pidge replied and Keith gave a small nod.

"lets get out of here before they come looking again" Keith sighed and took pidge hand leading her further in the ally way. 

"thanks for coming for me" Pidge weakly smiled.

"anytime, for now lets just get somewhere safe" Keith muttered and glanced to the shorter girl. 

"agreed" Pidge smiled softly and let Keith lead the way.

As they turned another corner Keith was meant with a Taser to the gut earning him to full to the ground.

"Keith" Pidge yelled with fear and worry as his hand slipped from hers. 

"grabbed the kid" one of the two men ordered and a tall man lifted pidge up from the ground. 

Keith released a small grunt as he tried to force his body to move but failed. He needed to get up and help pidge before she was taken but his body just couldn't move.

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