Doctor Enemy. Chapter 7.

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"pidge" Keith called as he walked down the halls looking for her. She was finished with all the doctors test and was told to go rest but he looked in their shared room in the hospital room to find her not inside. He was randomly walking around looking for her, since he knew she couldn't leave the hospital without the system beeping. He met doctor Adam and he was a nice guy, well too nice to work under such a government but still a nice guy. 

He was told pidge might ache a little or hurt since the tests did seem to sting for her but it was nothing deadly. Keith knew pidge wouldn't just show pain and was worried she was hiding up in pain somewhere. His steps quickened as he noticed a scared lance. 

"Lance" Keith called out making the tall male jump.

"oh thank god, its just you Keith" Lance replied and placed a hand on Keith shoulder. 

"have you seen pidge, she not in her room" Keith asked slightly worried. 

"not in her room but she should be resting in bed, i even walked her to the room to make sure she entered" Lance replied with worry. 

"well i went to check on her and she wasn't in her room. I cant find her anywhere" Keith frowned. 

"lets check her bracelet tracker, everyone in the hospital has one to keep an eye on them" Lance sighed and walked over to a screen in the wall, typing in a code before looking for pidge bracelet. 

"she around the corner" Keith mumbled and started walking. 

"wait for me, i dont want to be alone if case i bump into him" Lance muttered in fear.

"who" Keith asked unsure.

"Lance McClain" Doctor Iverson yelled making the Cuban boy yelp.

"him" Lance yelp and grabbed Keith arm. 

"i hope your been taking your medication" Iverson growled.

"y-yes sir" Lance stuttered back.

"good" Iverson sighed and turned to Keith who stood unsure.

"something wrong" Iverson hissed.

"nope just looking for a friend" Keith replied and started walking again.

"wait for me" Lance yelled and ran after Keith. 

"wait lance the floor just been" Keith started to say until Lance slipped and slid down bumping into someone who was running round the corner. 

"ouch" Lance groaned.

"Pidge" Keith yelp and ran over helping her up. 

"Keith" Pidge muttered surprised.

"why weren't you in your room resting" Keith frowned.

"becuase someone chasing me, they tried taking me when they thought i was sleeping. We need to go" Pidge replied and pulled on Keith arm.

"chasing, who" Lance asked with worry.

"some guy dressed as a doctor but he certainly not a doctor when he got a fucking gun now run" Pidge hissed and pulled Keith as she ran before grabbing lance arm and pulling them both as she ran. 

"Hold on" Iverson yelled making the three slide to a stop. 

"sir" Lance mumbled.

"we dont have time, i need to go" Pidge frowned but froze as she turned to Iverson who seemed surprise to see her.

"follow me to my office, i call for doctor adam and shiro" Iverson sighed and lead the way. 

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