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Kano State, Nigeria.

Falak made her way back into the room and find the maid standing with her head bowed slightly. Won't she sit down or doesn't she get tired? Falak not wanting another enemy, didn't talk and the maid didn't also, she just passed a yellow binding bow embroidery maxi dress, crew neckline and regular long sleeves to her. Falak almost jumped at how soft the fabric is but caught herself before.

The maid excused her and said she'll wait outside till she's done wearing the clothes. Falak wrestled into the clothes and asked the maid to come back in, not before admiring herself in the beautiful clothes. She doesn't know how to get dressed here and is not ready for another embarrassment and laughs from Asad, not to forget about the glares she received from Mr grumpy and Mr beard, she doesn't want another one.

"You should apply some lotion and cream. Here!" The maid gave her three long containers and two has a woman's face and the other is plain clean white with the name of the oil.

With the help of the maid, Falak applied the creams and lotion which made her skin feel so soft and fluffy. Oh, people in the city are enjoying life. Yes, she also used to apply versaline back in her home but it is not always. That only happens when Marawiyyah will ask her more like force her to apply it, that her body will look like Crocodiles' or snake's which will annoy her.

Done with that, the maid brought out red flats and a small veil. The maid tied it expertly around her head to which Falak is very grateful to. She doesn't know how to tie it in this city way and watched intently as the maid did it for her. She zoomed her legs into the beautiful shoes and true to her words, it's her size. She wants to deceive herself into thinking that her mother bought everything for her but she doesn't see any sign of that.

"Let's go, my Lady." The maid mumbled almost robotic. This is very weird and it's getting really uncomfortable because how can she be my Lady when she was just stupid unmarried Falak who everyone is avoiding back in her village.

She shook her head and follow her out. She stopped to gape at the place and the maid patiently stop next to her but a ghost smile appeared around her lips because the girl in front didn't act like she knew everything. She literally stopped to take everything in and then continue to walk only to stop some seconds later to see everything more clearly.

The long hallway has so many chandeliers, the cream walls stretch down to a never ending hallway. They kept walking slowly and she could see four doors arranged there. Her room is the last one in the hallway. After three turns which Falak memorized, they finally reached a huge brown door where the maid said she will allow her in.

Nervous, Falak's hands starts to sweat all over and she looks like she'll bolt out of the place in no time if asked to. The maid told her to calm down that she's just going to meet her step brothers and that's all. Even though when the maid said it's just, there was an uneasy look that passed her face which took every ounce of her strength but she's hungry and can't wait to taste the city's food.

She knock at the door as the maid asked her to and magically, it opened by itself. She stood there, eyes wide like saucers and hands shaking slightly by her side because of the people watching her from the dining table, not to talk about the guards that magically appeared by the door. She thought she was going to her mother's chamber? Guess not because her mother is here with more people.

"Come in, dear." Her mother's voice jolted her out of her trance and she released a small smile before swallowing hard.

The place is very huge, with long dining table and many chairs around it. A larger three tier chandelier that hung in the middle of the table and a lot small ones all around. There are so many foods, meats and fruits all around the table and she could see it from where she was standing.

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