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Kano State, Nigeria.

Her screams of terror woke him up in the middle of the night.

Asad was quick to wake up and stared widely as his wife scream with tears rolling down her eyes and her right hand is clutching her prodigious stomach. He thought it was a nightmare but the way she screams in anguish and pain makes him sprang into action and took his car keys before gently picking her up in his arms feeling as though she's peed but her water broke. She is crying endlessly the whole way to the hospital.

His heart is pounding in fright and terror. He could hear the heartbeats in his ears and his intestines are constricting painfully so he hold onto her hand the easiest way to feel at ease having her hand in his. The feel of her hand in his spark hope in his chest so he didn't let it go even when she tried tugging it out of his grasp in a weak attempt to stay mad at him while in labour. She is not only a jealous woman but also very stubborn if he would say so. She is in pain bit still trying to act mad, unbelievable.

"Get the nurses out to the emergency floor right now. My wife is in labour!" He yelled into the car after connecting it to his phone.

"Yes, sir!" And he hung up then drive really fast into the hospital to the emergency wing where three Nurses were waiting for them with a new gurney and some others scattered close to the gurney anxiously skipping on their feet.

Doctors and Nurses are scattered around the hospital and Inayah was pushed into the operation theatre room but Asad couldn't enter and they also didn't allow him to enter since they will be operating her and not normal birth giving. He anxiously sat down on the waiting chair his heart pounding and he read out any supplication that comes to his mouth and any Qur'an ayah he could come up with in his hand then started reading the hole Holy Book.

The family members starting storming into the hospital making the floor clear of anyone except the Royal families and the gigantic guards waiting outside the doors looking at everywhere like hawks.

"What happened?!" The Queen reprimanded when she saw that he has calmed down slightly because of the coffee served to them earlier by the hospital staff.

"We were sleeping when she started screaming. I thought she was only having a nightmare but then saw her hand clutching tightly onto her stomach and when I picked her up, I think her water broke." He rambled, his lips quivering so he quickly gulp down the coffee and the Queen demand that they turn down the air conditioner there.

"And nothing happened before that?" She narrowed her eyes knowing fully well he is hiding something because between all the Princes, she could read Asad more not that she can't read the others, but he is more open.

"We had a fight. She was yelling and screaming then she slept." He bit on his lip in regret. Maybe he should've checked on her when she fell asleep and her seven month belly is so huge in front of him as she clutch onto it for her dear life but that didn't come to his head.

"You should've been more careful, Asad. Pregnant women are difficult but it is your duty to understand them and do what they want all the time or risk both of them." She shook her head but still draw him into a motherly hug to her chest just like when they were young.

Four hours later, three doctors walked out of the theater room looking haggard but still optimistic. They all stood up and stand in front of the Doctor who smiled gently at Asad having known that he is her husband from how worried he looks and when he came into the hospital in a rush. Everyone could see that his heart is beating in his hands while head is is nowhere to be found. He has never been that terrified in his life so it is all cool.

"She's given birth to a premature healthy baby but we are going to have to incubate him." The doctor shared the half good news and half bad news in the same sentence.

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