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Kano State, Nigeria.

Jabrayah: "Girls, I've got a problem." Jabrayah typed fast in their WhatsApp group and thanked God they were all online at that time. It was nighttime and most of them should be with their husbands so it's a miracle.

Inayah: "What is it?" Inayah was the first to ask followed by Falak and Fikriyah with same question so she typed back fast before they go offline.

Jabrayah: "My husband hardly looks at me now. He only does what is necessary before leaving the house. What should I do? Do you think something is fishy?"

Jaiyana: "Do you bath everyday?"

Jabrayah: "What type of question is that?" Her brows are furrowed because she really doesn't bath everyday after she gave birth, she gets tired easily.

Jaiyana: "A serious one."

Falak: "Yes, Jab, if you don't bath everyday then what will he see in you to touch or stay close to?"

Her phone went off then so she plugged charge and sat down thinking about what they were talking about but it didn't make sense so she went to sleep with multitude thought meandering in her mind and disturbed heart. She cuddled Suwaid next to her and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek then lulled to sleep.

Jabrayah sighed for the nth time as she tucked her legs underneath her body. She finally got to put Othman to sleep some minutes earlier after the fuss he created early in the morning. She had to wake up around four in the morning because he just wouldn't keep quite and she has to breastfeed him multiple times and then rock him back to sleep which is a hard task but she has successfully done that after three hours making her head ache due to lack of sleep.

Suwaid was also not able to go back to sleep and is doing some research in his room, he helped lulling their baby to sleep. He needs to be in the airport later because he has a flight from Kano to the States and back to Kano again in that same day. He just thank God that his jobs doesn't need him all the time and when it does, it happens everyday of the month. He likes working as a pilot, it gives him immense satisfaction and let him breath out seeing the clouds in front of him and the countless buttons in front of him are like his life.

Tired of sitting with a wrapper wrapped around her chest and a long sleeve shirt with no bra, she went into the kitchen to make breakfast for them. After aimlessly checking her fridge and the storeroom in the kitchen, she settled on golden yam with egg sauce. She arranged the dining table and sat down waiting for Suwaid to come and have his breakfast before going to work.

Suwaid came out shortly after dressed in his white pilot uniform looking takeaway. Her heart started beating faster again because lately, they don't have the best relationship between them as they are both busy with one thing or the other. He will just kiss her cheek and then play with Othman then nothing else will happen again, it frustrates her to no end. Why is he acting all cold towards her after what they've been through together? Or does he hate her because she's finally given birth since she's heard that men tend to do that. So much questions without answers which she desperately needs.

"I won't be able to have breakfast here, love. I'm late. Take care of yourself." And he gave her a peck on the cheek before leaving the Chamber without another glance. She almost removed her hairs from their roots, what the hell is wrong with her husband or is it her?!

Not wanting to think too much about it, she finished eating her food and then turn on the television to take her mind off things. She didn't know how much she watched or how long she has slept on the couch or how did the sleep even took her away but she is sleeping and only woke up when she heard the doorbell. She groggily stood up and strained her ears to make sure Othman hasn't woken up before opening the door only to see her sister standing behind the closed doors.

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