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Kano State, Nigeria.

"I promise to give you a warm hug after each surgery. I already have your week's schedule." Falak grinned at Shaddad who looks worn out after he was done with another heart surgery.

She wrap her arms around him and place her head on his chest not caring that there are more nurses and doctors back in the room and they are standing at the doorway of the surgery room blocking anyone from entering or leaving. Shaddad hesitantly wrap his arms and let his shoulders slump and take in the warmth of her body. She just knows what to do and what not to do at the right time. He hid his face in her dove hijab and inhaled before moving away and she took his hand to take him to his office.

"Thanks." He curtly appreciated and sat down on the swivel chair to get some work done.

"I'll be back around twelve with our lunch. Wait for me!" She kissed his stubbled cheek and made her wait outside the office her heels clicking loudly.

Shaddad is now patiently waiting for Falak to bring their lunch like she promised. She told him to wait for her till around twelve in the afternoon and it is already thirty minutes late making him concerned. She is never one to be late and especially not for their lunch or anything that is related to them. She values their time together which makes him think why the heck is she late that day. He has a bad feeling about all these.

After his last surgery for the day, he went back to his office and sat down waiting for Falak to come in and demand why he left for his surgery when she asked him to wait for her but that didn't happen and he felt the emotion he's never felt before. Uneasiness started seeking through his blood and veins, he don't even know what to do so he look around the office wanting something to give him clue if what to do then his eyes landed on the intercom next to his right hand.

"Where is Falak?" He asked his mother in-law and also stepmother without waiting to exchange any pleasantries not that it was needed. She knows who he is and how he likes things to be done.

"I haven't seen her since she left to come see you, two hours ago that is." She explained through the phone, also feeling the uneasiness he is feeling at that time.

"Well, she is not here." He already dropped the phone before he could think of anything and left his office to the security room so he could see what the hell is going on in the hospital.

Her Majesty said she left to come and see him two hours ago but there is no sign of Falak and when he checked his phone for her number, he couldn't find it as he didn't save it himself but she did. He asked for the CCTV footage around the Paediatric Ward two hours ago and truthfully, Falak left her Ward and started making her way to the elevator then there is no place that she left the elevator making his worry to spike up another octave.

Searching his phone again, he found her number with lots of yellow hearts. He don't know what her obsession with yellow heart is but he never saves anyone's number with emoji so seeing her own, he knows she is the one. He quickly dial the number but it wasn't reachable and after the fifth time, it went straight to voicemail and then it won't ring again. His heart is now in his thumb, he can't think straight so he took his car and drive back to the Chamber.

Maybe she was tired and went home to rest, maybe.

No, that wasn't the case. The house is as empty as how they've left it in the morning, spotless and no sign of life inside. He sat down on the couch and closed his eyes with his arms and sighed deeply. She never goes somewhere without telling him no matter the emergency and she always has her phone fully charged so that isn't the case. There is no solution to this problem except if he seeks help from his father and help with police to tag out where she is. He won't wait for some darn twenty four hours, he needs to make sure his wife is safe.

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