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New, AIIMS Campus, Ansari Nagar East, New Delhi India.

Falak is back to school now and she is feeling so down yet again, just like how she felt when she first started schooling. She didn't want to come back but knew that she had to, school won't wait for her and it is starting in two days only. She doesn't have much time to adjust and unpack everything so she didn't and just started getting ready for another year filled with studies like a mad person.

The first year wasn't easy just like everyone had told her. Medicine course is not something that should be played with and if she had done that, she wouldn't be back in India. Now is time for her to buckle up for another year of torture. Though she wouldn't say life isn't good there in India but with her family, everything would've been easier and more smooth.

She could remember Shaddad's words on the television when he was encouraging the medicine students in Bayero University Kano. He said that the first two years of medicine is the hardest part. Sometimes, she feels like regurgitating all that she's known because it drives her crazy and off the chain.

She did visited her village during eid. She went with the clothes she wanted to give Fikriyah and Marawiyyah but she found out that they both are married and are in the city but will be back around eid-el-kabir. She was disappointed and sad that she didn't get to meet them but gave the clothes to their respective guardians.

They are not really their guardians but their close relatives so she gave them because she wouldn't want her friends to know that she came and didn't let anything they could remember her with.

When she went to her home, Adama fell down and Falak laughed out loud and mumbled how stupid she was which made her children glare at her. Even they were awestruck when she walked in along with Jaiyana and Jabrayah before the tall handsome dark three Arabian Adonises -Asad, Suwaid and Huziaf- ambled in after them with the paper bags Falak forgot in the car so she could give them.

She had the urge to flaunt her richness and royalty at them but refrained because there was no need, they could already see it with their eyes. There are guards around the whole village and sirens were heard as soon as they reached Katsina. Many of them had their mouths on the floor and their jaws sweeping the stones on the ground. She loved that reaction from the people pointing fingers at her because she wasn't married.

Adama's children didn't utter a word till she left. She greeted them like she usually does and gave them each the paper bags that had the things she wanted to give them. The girls have beautifully sewn lace while her step brother was given a gaezna along with Rolex wrist watch and he thanked her with a beautiful smile and blessings, he was always kind and smooth.

The other two girls and Adama's daughter in-law only blinked at her till she left which she found incongruous and ludicrous, she didn't change that much or is it the richness that rendered them speechless? That should only be the answer but she doesn't hold anything against them so she left.

"Why are you leaving me in this planet? Hey, come back to me!" She heard Nevedita's voice cried from beside her because she is far too gone into her memories.

"Huh, sorry. What were you saying?" She smiled, trying to close the emotions that filled her eyes. That melancholic desire to be home and to tease Huzaif about his weakened self and her other brothers.

"Whatever, I just wanted to ask if you know who sent that notes to you?" Nevedita's brow creased because of this certain anonymous, unidentified secret admirer her friend has.

"Oh, thanks for reminding me. I think it's Dr. Samir, I'll just call him and thank him." She removed her phone from her pallazo pocket and started dialling his number which he picked after four seconds.

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