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Kano State, Nigeria.

Heads turned in awe to her direction when she entered the hall since she was the first person standing in the front. She didn't bother waiting for her partner because she can't wait to sit her bum on the chair, hence, she walked in and the others followed with the bride and groom in the middle, they look beautiful if she could say so herself.

True to Falak's thought, the bride didn't look much happy after seeing her. Falak could swore that she glared at her around the time when Asad said she looks beautiful but yet again, she brushed that away and stand by the side where some of the bridesmaid also glare at her. Maybe the bride told them about her and they quickly judged her because of what her friend said. Hopeless!

She saw Bilal there so they sat down and chatted before she was called by her mother who looks extremely elegant in her expensive looking burgundy lace and golden headgear. They would've looked like sisters if not for her mother's laughing lines that shows just how much older she is now, more than the years back.

When she went to her mother, she saw her sitting with Shaddad and a couple more males that kept glancing at her. Even Shaddad did a double take when her mother said Falak. Why was she just becoming more beautiful and mature? He sharply removed his eyes from her and went back to the makeshift dancefloor where the couple are currently dancing. He was forced to attend that shit!

Her heartbeat did that flip that it always does whenever she sees Shaddad which makes her question whether she's doing the right decision by wanting to ask Bilal to send his wards. Or is it that she despondently and hopelessly wants to move on and she is making him her way out? Either way, she will find her happiness, prosperity and felicity with Bilal because she is falling for him.

Later that night, cars were leaving in full speed and each one of them were taking the bridesmaid. Falak forgot that she came with Jabrayah who left with Suwaid earlier because her pregnancy isn't letting her feel safe around so many people and they had to leave. She is pregnant with her first child and is seven month gone, the gender says she is having twins, boys.

She is searching for Jaiyana who she thought will not be there because her children will make her go crazy one day. She has two children, Mufida who is four and Hamida who turned two the day Falak got back. They are so adorable but can cause a lot of troubles across the globe so she doubt she still is there and she is not. Maybe she took Huzaif with her because he is also missing. Why did she ask Bilal to leave again?!

Falak sighed, now who will take her home? She could see a few more cars scattered around the parking lot but she's not sure if there is anyone she knows. She moved back to the hall and started looking for Asad who is hidden behind the throngs of people that are circling them, dancing. A few more people are still there and she spotted a very bored looking Shaddad and an eager Masrooq.

"Is there someone that is willing to go back to the palace, I want to go now." She said to Masrooq who was also sitting alone on a chair.

"Yes, I'm going now. Let me just use this as an excuse and we will go." And with that, he went to talk to Asad who followed Masrooq to where Falak is and started;

"I think you should go with Shaddad over there, I need this guy to do something for me. There are more bridesmaids here and Shaddad will kill them if I ask him to drop them in the Palace." He snickered, flicking his gaze to Shaddad who is fastidiously looking at them like he knows that they are talking about him, still managing to look slothful and indolent.

Asad went and talked to Shaddad in his ear who stayed calm and still like the Shaddad statue he is before standing up. He started walking to the main entrance so Falak guessed that she is going to follow him and she did, not before waiting for a heads up from Asad though. She won't have him embarrass her for anything, she is not a child anymore. And not forget about of apoplectic she is feeling about been ditched at a wedding.

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