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Kano State, Nigeria.

Falak blinked and move around the iron bed she is lying on. What is with her and lying on beds after been knocked out cold? Her hands immediately went to her stomach, when she felt the bulge and didn't feel any pain, she sighed in relief which was short lived when she raised her head to look around the room. Was she kidnapped again or did she really get into an accident which has her sleeping in people's bed again for the second time? This has to be something fishy and not so normal about the movies she's watched.

The room is so cold and has only one bed and a chair that is facing her which was empty. The bed she is lying on is metal and looks to be only closed with comfy bedsheets and no mattress so the person lying on it won't be all sour after waking up the next morning due to the soft fluffy bedsheets. But where on earth is she and why is the bed not really making sense to her. No, not only the bed, the whole ordeal doesn't sit well with her. She needs to find out why she is where she is with no one there to supervise her.

If she was kidnapped again, then this time she sure as hell know they are not nice people. For when her mother in-law kidnapped her, she was lying on a comfy old bed and the room isn't cold. Now that she is pregnant, she needs the warmth more than ever but she isn't getting one. Who is this person that kidnap her and is trying to endanger both her life and the baby's? This person knows her in and out, she is sure of that.

Who will dare step foot into the palace and kidnap her then leave unscathed? She knew that is not possible so it's either someone very close to them or she was still in the palace where no one could find her. She can't find any other option for this person to kidnap her without anyone noticing something is off with him or her. But who will want to kidnap a pregnant woman and risk their own life in the palace? This is very risky for anyone who even dares to do that.

She can't remember having enemies or ex lovers, well, except for Bilal. But how will Bilal get into the palace with the sun still up? She knew when she left their Chamber, the sun hasn't dropped and everyone could see her so how didn't the guards notice an intruder coming towards and even kidnapped her under their nose? Falak is furious only because her baby's life is in danger. Without much nutrition and hydration, she knew something wrong will definitely happen.

Praying silently in her head while holding onto her stomach like a life support, she looked around the cemented room for any source of light or window so she can see where she is, there is none. The room has no paint and even the floor isn't tiled, only cemented. The room looks like it hasn't been visited for so many years and she was the victim to take all the trouble lurking in the room. She is afraid to core but needs to stay strong for her baby and not stressed.

She heard a door jiggling open with what seems to be lots of keys. Shortly after, three bulky men walked in with Shaddad in their arms slumped and is sleeping. The men have masks closing their faces and they dropped Shaddad on the chair facing her then tied his arms behind him along with his legs. Her heart lurched to her throat looking at the scene unfold in front of her eyes. She feels like vomiting seeing the bruise forming on his cheeks and jaw. He has put up a fight before they manage to put chloroform and knock him out. That is the Shaddad she knows, he won't give up easily.

"Don't move or he dies." One of them rasp before they filed out if the room and lock it behind them just like they did before, with so many keys and locks to make sure they can't escape.

Falak kept quite and fix her eyes on Shaddad wanting to gauge a reaction from him but got nothing except for his slumped form. His head is dropped and she could only see his head and hear his soft breathings. She didn't even move a muscle thinking they might be looking at her from some camera and if she does move to where he is, he will be killed. She'd rather get killed at that moment than have someone take away Shaddad.

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