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Kano State, Nigeria.

The whole city of Kano is in chaos about the missing Prince and Princess. It is not everyday that they wake up with such news so hearing it makes everyone worried and also anticipating what is about to happen. Who could dare kidnap the next in line to the throne alongside his wife? Who has the nerve to try such dangerous stunt like that? Surely that person doesn't want to live to see another day.

Everyone is out in search of them but no news after twenty four hours. Many television channels, radio stations and social networks are paid to help in search of them. No one has time for their work as whoever heard about it will tell their coworker and neighbour then everybody will leave and start looking for them. The whole people in Kano are now out in search of them but still, it's like nothing is even happening as there is no single clue leading them to the missing royals.

The King promised to pay handsomely to the person who gets to find them or even get any clue about where they are so everyone is willing to get some cash. And even without money, everyone will go out in search of then as they love the King and his happiness are his children so that is also where their happiness lies. Guards were spread in every nook of Kano wanting to catch anyone acting suspicious or sneaking.

The puzzle they can't solve is why will this person kidnap both Falak and Shaddad if they are in need of money? They could take Shaddad and have lots of money so why bother taking a pregnant woman? This is something they are not able to solve but some think they have enemies and those enemies decided to strike at that moment. It doesn't make sense at all though.

"Still no new, your Majesty." One of the many police officers said to the King who looks utterly worried to even lash out on anyone.

"You need to keep searching! You can't come here telling us no news all the damn time when it is your work so go and do that! Don't come back here without any clue that will lead us to them. Now leave!" The Queen yelled at the officer who sprang into action and left the throne room immediately with the other police officers trailing behind him.

"Bunch of useless people." Huzaif grumbled from beside her before standing up to also go look for them.

Noen of them has their phone with them so tracking them will be a very hard task. There are many police officers in the house trying to look everywhere for any piece of evidence to take it to the detectives so they can help point out something. Who could kidnap the royals and let the work so clean? This person must be an expert or someone too close to then to have his ways around the palace without leaving any clue.

"I'm afraid this kidnapper has gone too far or is too close to us. This person went to where no one could think of so I think we should think with calm minds where this person will take them." A detective said to the royals as they all stare expectantly at him.

That is when another round of search began.

"Here, eat this." A takeaway pack is pushed in front if Falak which contained fried rice, chicken and coleslaw.

She is not fond of eating that as she is pregnant she hardly eats what she does before she was pregnant. But because of her baby, she will push it down her throat and hope it stays there for as long as their stay there will end. She saw them pushing water and bread into Shaddad's mouth making her heart clench but when their eyes clashed and he smiled at her through his eyes, she knew she has him.

"I don't want you dead so eat this." She beard the prince saying to Shaddad as the guards continue to push the food down his throat while he spit some.

Falak finished everything in her plate and kept it away then let her eyes search for Shaddad again, he was intently staring at her. He moved his eyes to her left as if showing her something, when she looked, she saw water. She passed him a thankful smile and took the water then drank straight from the bottle. Satisfied and knowing her baby will be safe, she closed her tired eyes for some minutes then opened them.

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