Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

All parts of the mating where blissful.

He was so tender and caring with every aspect of the night.

He pleased me alright! ;)

Oh yeah he was…  said my wolf.

I kept thinking of the ways we completed the bond. It was just soo wonderful all through we told each other we loved each other all through it and when our climax came we bit into each other neck.

It was just so good and I just think I have ran out of words to describe it.

I smiled as I looked towards my right where my mate was, he held me tight all through the night after we mated. He finally let me go—not wanting to of course—mainly because I needed to go pee. After that he was too knocked out to even feel me get back in bed.

He looked quite satisfied in himself. This small smile in his mouth.


I think he finally felt my stare because he woke up and looked right back at me…

We shared a hot and heated look. “Good morning, my love. Come here” He pulled me back into his arms and we started where we left off last night.

After many hours I finally convinced him that we needed to get up, I was a hungry werewolf after all and needed to be fed.

He of course laughed at this and left the bed—quite slowly might I add—just so I could see his body full on. Trust me when I say I like what I saw, I almost pulled him back into the cover and lunch be damn.

But I was extra hungry so I just enjoyed the show he was putting in, in front of me.

He finally left and went to do our breakfast while I got up and put on a robe.  My insides where hurting like I had million cramps in there.

But I put on a brave face, I did not want him to regret such a wonderful night. Knowing he was going to blame himself saying he was too rough or something else.

I went to the bathroom and found the emergency kit and threw on some Advil.

He had an apron on and was totally naked from waist up… Oh that man, the things he does to me…

He must have heard me come in because he looked back at me and grinned. I grinned back.

I walked to him and put my arms around him as he continued cooking. Bacon, waffles and other goodies. Aw he was the man for me.

“Hey, love”

“Hey, Amore, that looks delicious!”

“Why thank you, you can have  a taste of it anytime…”

I glared at him and he just chuckled…

“That’s not what I meant and you know it, plus I don’t think I could go for another round any time near…”

“Oh god, honey I meant to ask you, but how are you down there, are you in any pain”

“I am hurting just a little but not to worry, I took some Advil so I know that after a while it will stop the pain….”

“Well after we finish breakfast we will go to the bathroom and I will get the tub ready for you. I know the hot water and a bubble bath will do you good for your stress muscles”

I seriously did not know what I did to deserve such an awesome man. He was just soo perfect sometimes.

After all I did get to relax and just be alone, he left after finishing drawing me a bath. I though I was not going to get over the fact that yesterday I was almost raped and then I was rescued by my mate.

Then by the end of that same day I got to mate with my wonderful other half and gave my virginity to the right person.

Being with him as one, was so blissful, mainly because he was attentive of me and my needs.

Plus I just felt so pretty I mean he kept commenting how much I was just soo beautiful in all ways.

I guess I fell asleep because the next time I opened my eyes Amore was carrying me out of bathroom. He had a towel wrapped around me.

He kissed my forehead and laid me in his bed. I fell to sleep again afterwards...

For some reason I was just so tired…..


Thanks so much for still believing in this story, unfortuntly its coming to and end.

There's probably going to be 5 more chapters and then its going to be done....

See you next chapter! 


Clara Rourk


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