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Jaddu picked up the paper and examined it. "Is she an artist?"

"Jaddu bhai, don't you think a moveable rain shield overhead would be a great thing?" asked Kuldeep.

"Philosphical Kuliya," snorted Jaddu.

"No, really, Neha said this thing and I think it's an awesome idea," said Kuldeep.

"What is she trying to convince Khanna about?" wondered Jaddu, staring at Neha's animated gestures with lots of pointing at the stands and sky.

"Maybe about this idea?"

Jaddu and Kuldeep walked over to Neha, Mr Das and Khanna.

"It is absolutely not feasible. All the countries have tried this before for years and years, and you can't expect a first year student to come up with the solution!" said Khanna.

"Her age is not the question here," said Mr Das coolly. "She is the best student in the college. But Neha, this is a bit far fetched..."

"It's not, sir, I have it all planned out, I just need to survey this place once and I can give you the exact values," said Neha coaxingly.

"You dropped this, Neha," Jaddu hastened to say, noticing Khanna's suspicious glance at him and Kuldeep.

"Thanks!" said Neha, taking it back. Then she brightened up. "Mr Khanna, don't you realize how rain can sometimes ruin everything in a single day?" She couldn't help glancing at Jaddu, because the awful 2-day international anyway reminded every Indian of Jaddu's lone battle.

Jaddu realized at once that Neha was using that emotion to persuade Khanna, and that would have been totally inappropriate if not for a look on her face which somehow convinced him that she still ached over that loss just like they did.

"Yeah, it does," said Jaddu to Khanna. "It would revolutionize cricket if we can implement that!"

"And this gives India the chance of becoming the first nation to do this," added Kuldeep.

Neha couldn't believe that two of her idols were speaking up for her, and just as the thrilled smile started making its way to her face, she stopped it.

"Of course I'll respect your word if you still say it's not feasible after I give you the entire report, but isn't it worth  looking into at least, sir?" she asked in a very practical voice.

"I assure you she will work on this with all her efforts," said Mr Das quietly.

"All right," said Khanna finally. "You have permission to survey the stadiums...and calculate the values and budget. But she will need to travel to all the cities, will her parents and your college allow that?" he asked Mr Das.

Mr Das looked at Neha, unsure about whether he could let his student travel alone over the country.

"She can travel with us," said Jaddu unexpectedly. "The home season is going on, so it's quite possible. If her parents allow, of course."

"They won't bother," said Neha at once.

"Oh...ok then," said Khanna.

"I don't want her to go alone, can I send another student with her?" asked Mr Das.

Neha wasn't listening any more, she wanted to shout at the top of her voice and let the whole world know that she was going to work on her dream project AND TRAVEL WITH HER IDOLS INTO THE BARGAIN.

Mr Das settled everything with Khanna in little time, while Neha was badgering Kuldeep and Jaddu with, "When is Rohit and Jinks and Virat sir coming?"

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