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Meanwhile in the field, Siri suddenly said, "Hey...look...aren't they Srinija and Ahona?"

"Why, yes!" said Neha, feeling and sounding disturbed. "Why have they come again? D'you think they'll bother Kuldeep?"

Siri grabbed Neha's arm and they walked over fast. The seniors weren't around, and obviously they could not leave Kuldeep alone.

The sisters had made a beeline for where Kuldeep was bowling to Hardik.

Siri and Neha reached them at a run and heard Srinija saying, "Where's Bhuvi bhaiya? Do you know where he is, Kuldeep?"

She didn't sound a bit rude, which surprised them a little.

"He's at the hotel, room 208," said Kuldeep.

Srinija bolted for the hotel without another word. 

"WAIT, YOU CAN GO LATER, I NEED YOUR HELP HERE!" Ahona yelled after her but she did not stop to listen.

"Why did you give her the room number, Kuliya?" demanded Neha. 

"She could be having murder plans for all we know," said Hardik solemnly. "We need to save Bhuvi right now, Neha..."

Ahona glared at them all viciously.

"You...coward," she spat at Kuldeep. "You absolute coward!"

"Who are you calling a coward?" said Siri dangerously, stepping forward  as if she wanted to shield Kuldeep physically.

"Your dear friend, of course," said Ahona. "He had absolutely no problem with our relationship till few months ago, and as soon as you three came, he..."

"You don't get to blame any of them," said Kuldeep, swiftly getting protective of them.

"I'm not blaming them, I'm merely stating a fact. That you're a spineless coward without an ounce of originality in you, and I can't even..."

"If you can't see his originality, that's your fault, not his," said Siri furiously.

"I can see why he chose to broke up with me. Must be nice to get a bodyguard like this in return for free, right? Is she..." began Ahona in a very nasty tone.

Simultanously Hardik caught Neha's eyes. 

"Neha, catch!" he said, and threw a ball randomly.

Neha lunged at it with great gusto and collided with Ahona and knocked her to the ground heavily. Hardik, apparently on inertia, retrieved the ball and dropped it on her foot. Ahona shrieked at the top of her voice in a very undignified manner, and Siri tried her best to stop herself from laughing and failed.

Ahona looked stunned to find herself lying on the ground one moment after she was about to call out Siri.

Hardik and Neha were positively glowing with triumph at the success of their impromptu plan. Kuldeep felt like he should help Ahona to her feet, but remembering her dirty accusations thrown at Siri, he refrained himself from doing so.

Ahona struggled to her feet by herself, looking weary but also mad.

"I'm sorry I came here at all," she said rudely. "I should've known you would hide behind your hooligan friends as usual."

"Then get lost, please, and don't come back," said Siri. "Cause his hooligan friends would always be with him."


After this encounter, and having woken up at 6:30 that morning, Siri slipped to her room as Neha and Hardik were still gloating to Kuldeep about how accurately they had knocked her over.

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