The nightclub

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At lunch one day, amidst the general cacophony, comprising mostly of Jaddu's fresh set of Jamnagar miracles, Tani noticed Shivam, who was sitting beside her, staring at Siri silently.

Funny that they never talked, thought Tani, and so she murmured to him, "You do realize it's never going to work if you don't talk to her?"

"What?" said Shivam blankly. "What do I say to her?"

"Say anything you want to," said Tani, exasperated. "Conversation will sustain itself!"

"Oh, ok, all right," said Shivam, looking like he was trying to make up his mind.

Siri looked over and saw Shivam talking to Tani and felt a sudden stab of jealousy, which annoyed her.

But why on earth did Shivam never speak to her when he was capable to speaking to girls?


Hardik descended upon the girls' room one day in the evening and said, "I bet none of you have ever visited a nightclub, have you?"

"No," said the three of them.

"I've got VIP passes to the nightclub next door," whispered Hardik dramatically. "Want to visit tonight?"

"Yes!" said Neha and Siri.

"Yes," said Tani after a while.

"Great," said Hardik, pleased. "Now don't go telling any of the others, not even Jassi or Yuzi, and certainly not any of the seniors." He handed a pass to each of them.

"I have to ask my mother, though," said Tani.

Hardik looked at her like she was mad. "And do you hope your mother will allow you?"

"I can't go if she doesn't," said Tani firmly.

"As you wish," sighed Hardik.

Tani called her mother and asked, "Mom, can I go to a nightclub with Neha, Siri and Hardik?"

She listened in silence for a minute and then said, "Ok, ok, I expected it anyway."

"Your mother knows about us?" asked Neha.

"She refused, right?" asked Siri.

"Yes," said Tani. "Sorry guys, I can't go."

"What did you expect?" scoffed Hardik.

"Well, my mom said it's unsafe," said Tani defensively. "So I don't think any of you should go!"

"Don't you influence them!" warned Hardik.

"We'll not get influenced," assured Neha. "When do we leave?"

"11:30, say. We need to make sure no one sees us leaving," said Hardik gleefully.

Siri and Neha felt quite excited at the prospect of an adventure like this.

However, later that evening, when Siri's mother called, Siri, who couldn't hide anything from her parents, told her about the plan.

And expectedly, her mother flatly refused as well.

"I didn't ask for your permission," said Siri, sounding outraged. "I just happened to tell you!"

Tani and Neha waited in anticipation.

But after nearly an hour of argument, Siri said ungraciously, "All right then."

She cut the call and said, "I'm staying back too."

Neha was scowling deeply. "What's the point of telling them when you know they'll refuse? My parents wouldn't refuse me anything even if I told them, though."

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