Ahona's suggestion

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'I'm extremely sorry for the way I behaved yesterday, Kuldeep. I just acted out of hurt, I guess. I didn't mean any of it. Will you let me come and meet you once? I know I don't deserve it, but can we be friends at least? You are my oldest childhood friend, you know, Kuldeep. I would miss you very much if you took my words seriously and cut me out of your life forever.'

Kuldeep stared at Ahona's long and seemingly sincere message on his phone. He did not really want to meet her again, but he couldn't help thinking that it would be cruel if he did not, because it was his fault they had had to cancel their engagement. Her reaction yesterday was justified after all, thought Kuldeep.

"Yuzi, Ahona wants us to remain friends," said Kuldeep. "What do you suggest I should do?"

Yuzi had not been present on the field yesterday. He had heard accounts from Siri, Neha and Hardik, of course, but since the latter two were wont to exaggerate a lot anyway, he had not grasped how badly Ahona had spoken. All he knew was that Srinija was the rude one; Ahona, even if not suitable for his Kul, was overall well behaved.

"I think that's fine," said Yuzi. "If you're ok with it?"

Even if Kuldeep was not ok with it, his guilt made him say, "Yes, I am. She wants to come over later. Will I say yes?"

"Say yes," said Yuzi.

So Kuldeep did. [He would do practically anything Yuzi said, anyway.]

Rohit dropped into their room and straightaway sensed the serious atmosphere. "Hey, what's up?"

Yuzi and Kuldeep told him.

"Friends," said Rohit doubtfully.

"Just friends, Rohit bhaiya," said Yuzi.

"Hmm," said Rohit. "Hmmmm."

"Will you stop freaking us out, bhaiya, by your 'hmms'?" asked Yuzi.

Rohit grinned. "What I came to tell you was, I've stolen Virat's headphones," he said, producing them from his pocket. "Virat is sure to check my room, so can you two hide it here?"

"Sire!" said Yuzi with glittering eyes. 

"But Rohit bhai," began Kuldeep.

"I'll return it to him soon," said Rohit swiftly. "Don't be a spoilsport now, Kuliya!"

"All right," said Kuldeep, a little unhappily, because it was never easy for him to do anything against his Virat bhai.


Kuldeep told Siri and Neha whom he happened to pass later that day that Ahona was coming to meet him in the cafe next door.

"You're really mad," said Neha.

"She said she wants to remain friends," said Kuldeep.

"He can't even see through dangerous people's facades," said Siri.

Kuldeep wondered if he had done the right thing in teliing them, and he doubted that even more when Neha said, "You can go if you let me go with you!"

"I'm sure Ahona won't appreciate that at all," ventured Kuldeep.

"Well, you're not going there to appease Ahona," said Siri. "Better let her go with you."

With Neha and Siri agreeing on that, Kuldeep could do nothing but give in.

Accordingly, Kuldeep and Neha were both sitting in the cafe when Ahona entered.

"Why did you bring her?" asked Ahona politely enough, but the look of her face was enough to set Neha's blood boiling.

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