The failed prank

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Neha finally decided that clearly no one could outwit Sir Ravindra Jadeja, so her best bet was to not even try to trap him, but just try a totally stupid trick.

The idea came to her in the middle of the night, and she was out of her bed and shaking Tani within moments. "Tani, Tani!"

"What?" said Tani sleepily.

"I need your help," said Neha.

"For what?" asked Tani, sitting up. Siri hasn't even stirred, which was why Neha hadn't bothered to wake her up anyway.

Neha told her plan to Tani in one line.

"It sounds very bad," said Tani. "But if you want we can give it a shot."

Neha grinned widely.

At the crack of dawn, Tani and Neha lugged a bucket full of water across their room.

As they passed Siri's bed, Neha couldn't resist tilting it a little so that some of the water splashed on her face.

Siri opened her eyes slightly and wiped away the water and went back to sleep coolly after throwing Neha a glare.

Tani and Neha arranged the bucket at the top of Jaddu's door, which was a the most cliched prank ever, but then, that was exactly why Jaddu would never even suspect it.

As it turned out, though, Siri had other plans, since she had guessed the reason behind her roommates carrying a bucket early in the morning.

Before Neha and Tani came back, she called Jaddu.

"Jaddu bhaiya, be careful while leaving your room, bucket on top of your door," mumbled Siri, still half asleep.

"What, really?" Jaddu leapt out of bed and examined the door from a distance. "Thanks for the warning, genius. Was this Neha?"

"Who else?" asked Siri. "I'm going to sleep, bye."

"Wait!" said Jaddu.

"What now?"

"We can turn the prank on Neha. Check if she's outside my room please Siri, please." He pleaded enough right from the beginning, because he knew it wasn't a easy job pulling a sleepy person out of bed, but Jaddu was Jaddu, and Siri gave in, because she wanted Neha to get counter-pranked too.

Siri dragged herself to Jaddu's room and saw Neha and Tani standing outside, Tani grumbling something about, "It's not even 5, he's not likely to come out now!"

"Can't risk missing it," said Neha.

Siri messaged Jaddu that Neha was outside his room and yes, so was Tani.

Jaddu told her what to do and in a quick turn of events Siri went and swiftly pushed Neha and Tani back towards the door and Jaddu, at the same moment, standing on a chair, pushed the bucket outwards.

Cold water splashed all over the two girls on a chilly winter morning, and Neha yelled at the top of her voice, and Tani groaned.

Jaddu roared with his maniacal laughter, and even Siri, who never got much excited, was laughing a little.

"Siri," complained Tani. "It wasn't meant for you! Why did you turn on us?"

"You tipped him off!" Neha howled to Siri.

"Serves you right!" said Siri.

Much to their shock, Rohit came out from his room, which happened to be next to Jaddu's.

"Why are you shouting in the middle of the night?" he demanded fiercely.

"It's not the middle of the night," corrected Tani, who was a bit of a perfectionist.

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