The first dinner together

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By the next day the three of them arrived with their baggages at the stadium.

It was so awesome and dream-like to sit in the Clubhouse and watch the match like VIPs. Made better by the fact that India comprehensively defeated Sri Lanka (not that it surprised anyone).

After the match ended and Tani, Neha and Siri were wondering about what to do, Virat called Tani and told them to come outside the dressing room.

Obviously thousands of people were flocking outside the dressing room hoping to get a glimpse at the players.

Neha attempted pushing her way in violently but Tani pulled her back. "Stop being insane for a moment, please."

Tani called Virat back. "It's impossible to go up to the entrance of the dressing room, Virat bhaiya."

"Ok, come to the field then. I'll tell the security to let you in," said Virat promptly. "Come through Block--"

"Siri, are you planning to leave your suitcase behind?" asked Neha.

"Oh no," said Siri, dismayed. "Where is it?"

"I dunno," said Neha wickedly.

"NEHA!" said Siri far too loudly.

"What did you do with it, Neha?" asked Tani, distractedly, still on the call.

Neha, who for some reason listened to Tani most of the times, placatingly led them over to a corner where Siri's things were.

"How could you leave these here? What if someone stole them?" asked Siri disbelievingly.

"You left it behind," reminded Neha, not untruthfully.

"For god's sake, shut up, Neha," said Tani. "Where the hell is Block B?"

They found block B and waited at the gate till Kuldeep and Yuzi came to fetch them.

Neha nearly tripped over her feet again, because they hadn't met Yuzi yet.

"Hi, Yuzi!" she half-shouted.

"Hi," said Yuzi, grinning. He had heard a lot about the three of them from the others.

"I know you're about to ask for his autograph," said Tani.

"Wait a second," Neha told the spinners. "I need a picture of KulCha first!"

"We can do that back at the hotel too," suggested Siri.

"Idiot, look we're seeing KulCha in front of our eyes for the first time ever," said Neha, taking out her phone and telling them to pose.

Kuldeep and Yuzi posed.

"Not like that," said Neha critically.

Kuldeep and Yuzi tried a better pose.

"You two aren't on the same plane," complained Neha.

"Plane?" choked Tani.

"Neha, Virat bhaiya told us to take you back quickly," ventured Kuldeep.

"Just let me take one good photo..."

Siri snatched Neha's phone away and said, "Move!"

So they went to the dressing room.

"What took you so long?" demanded Rohit.

"Neha needed a picture of KulCha," said Siri in a tone that left nothing to be desired.

Neha couldn't answer back, because look at who had asked the question.


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