The unknown sisters

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Kuldeep and Yuzi woke up to a call on the former's phone.

Kuldeep reached over and saw who was calling and hesitated. It continued ringing, and Yuzi, who was generally a bit grumpy in the mornings, mumbled, "For god's sake stop that thing!"

Kuldeep hastily received it and whispered, "Hello?"

He proceeded to continue the conversation in whispers and Yuzi said, "You can speak properly!"

"No it's ok," said Kuldeep, as he put down the phone.

He sounded bothered enough for Yuzi to forget his sleep and ask, "Who was it?"

"Ahona," said Kuldeep in a subdued voice.

Yuzi perked up.

"What did she say?"

"She is coming to visit us with her sister today afternoon," said Kuldeep, sounding slightly agitated.

"I know you're nervous but you know you have to make us meet her someday," said Yuzi, with all his elder brotherly protectiveness.

"Yes," admitted Kuldeep. "I'd better tell the others."

"I'm sure they'll all like her, after all it's your special friend," said Yuzi with a hint of snideness.

"I wonder if you will like her," mumbled Kuldeep.

"You worry unnecessarily," said Yuzi. "Though I know you can't marry anyone without my permission."


The field had a relaxed atmosphere that day.

Tani, rarely for her, had taken a day off and was lounging on the grass, occassionally watching Jassi bowling to Virat bhaiya, and occassionally running up to disturb Neha and Siri high up in the stands, who were testing the strength of the stairs.

After some time Bhuvi came up and said, "Come and meet Ahona..."

"Ahona?" said Neha blankly, glancing at Tani, who looked just as blank, so they followed Bhuvi to the side of the field.

As they neared the two unknown girls with the juniors of the team (because the seniors had gone to receive Jinks and his family at the airport, except Bhuvi who had stayed back to chaperone them), they heard one of them saying in a loud voice to the other, "This place isn't even nice, Ahona, remember when we went to Adelaide, it was so much better than this..."

Since it was her precious Eden Gardens, Neha stalked to the front and said, "Why have you bothered to deign this awful place with your footsteps?"

"Now who's this?" she demanded.

Siri was about to say something, but Jassi said politely but coolly, "Tani, Neha and Siri are friends of ours, so we'd appreciate if you show a little respect towards them."

"I can't even show respect to Kuldeep, and he's engaged to you, Ahona, so surely he doesn't expect me to respect these?"

"Engaged to your..." began Tani and Neha together, sure that this girl wasn't right in the head.

Yuzi's eyes were flashing.

"Srinija," said Ahona calmly. "Don't get overexcited."

"I tell you respect has to be earned, and your fiance has done nothing to earn it," continued Srinija, ignoring her sister. "You'll realise it one day soon, but it'll be too late by then..."

"Ahona, either take her away or shut her up," said Yuzi, sounding really mad.

"We don't have the time to listen to all her beautiful opinions," said Hardik, because though he teased Kuldeep all the time, he cared for him more than he'd ever admit.

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