Tani's interview

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That evening Tani descended on Virat's room with her books and everything.

Virat looked up with a smile from his laptop.

"I've come to interview you Virat bhaiya," Tani announced.

"I know," said Virat drily. "Go ahead, by all means."

Tani started off with mild questions about the time Virat started playing, and it went smoothly.

Then she went into the finer details like, "When did you start having body image issues? What triggered it?"

Tani could see the though Virat answered calmly enough, he was staring to get worked up, which was a normal reaction in these sort of interviews.

"Are these questions really necessary," asked Virat at once point.

"They are," said Tani apologetically. "But if you aren't comfortable answering them..."

"No, it's fine," said Virat.

"Ok...so in end 2014... during the Border Gavaskar series... you were handed over captaincy..."

Virat's expression swiftly became guarded.

"Can you tell me about your mental situation during that time, and also your relationship with the team's former captain," said Tani.

"What's my relation with Mahi bhai got to do with you?" asked Virat harshly, suddenly getting mad.

"It's just part of the question procedure, bhaiya..." began Tani.

"I don't want to talk about it! Who do you think you are, poking your nose in our team's internal stuff!"

Because thinking of the way Virat had almost lost his big brother back in 2014 never failed to make him lose his mind.

Tani fell silent.

"I don't have time for this pointless project of yours, now get out of here!"

"Ok," said Tani, a little coolly, and she returned to her room, frowning slightly.

Neha and Siri came in after a while and saw Tani sitting alone in their room.

"Hey, what's up?" asked Siri.

"Nothing much," said Tani neutrally.

Siri and Neha exchanged a glance and without a word sat down on either sides of Tani.

"We don't believe that, sorry," said Neha. "What's up with you?"

Tani didn't think they would let her go if she didn't answer that, so she told them what had happened.

After she had finished, Neha cried, "What are you sitting here for, then? Go and apologize, you idiot!"

"Should I apologize," asked Tani critically.

"Of course you should," said Siri.

When Neha and Siri agreed about something it must be a really obvious fact, so Tani got up and knocked on Virat's door again.

"Come in!"

Tani entered and opened her mouth to say sorry, but realised that she couldn't.

"You know I came here to apologise but I'm not going to, because it wasn't my fault," she said coolly. "I know you're a really big celebrity and a national asset at that, but this project is important to me too, and if you think you and your team can't spare any time for it, I'll pack my bags and..."

"Tani... Tani..." said Virat. "I'm sorry for what I said just now. I really am."

"What?" said Tani.

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