The two ghosts👻

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Siri and Jaddu sneaked out as ghosts in the evening that day.

"Don't make much noise, ghosts are very quiet," said Jaddu.

"Because you've seen real ghosts right," said Siri.

"Yes," said Jaddu in a matter of fact manner.

"Sure," said Siri. "I'll be silent."

"Also don't flap your arms like that," said Jaddu.

"I'm not flapping..." Siri looked down an saw her arms in the mid of a wild swinging motion; and she hadn't even noticed. She stopped them quickly.

"Any more instructions?" she asked Jaddu as they were about to enter Kuldeep and Yuzi's room.

"No, you're doing good," said Jaddu encouragingly.

As if she was not being sarcastic, thought Siri. Why did she think 90% of the people surrounding her were touched in the head?

As planned, Jaddu entered the room first, howling and shrieking in a shrill voice, "Bhoooooot! Bhoooooooooot!"

Siri peeped inside to see, trying to force back the laughter she felt rising inside her.

Kuldeep and Yuzi jumped up in alarm.

"Kul!" said Yuzi protectively. "It's Jaddu bhaiya, it's Jaddu bhaiya without a doubt!"

Yuzi lunged forward to grab Jaddu and and Kuldeep followed almost fearlessly, and they managed to pull off Jaddu's bedsheet, which was the cue for Siri to enter.

She was supposed to shriek bhoot bhoot too, but she was choking with laughter instead, and the sounds coming from the creature was quite terrifying.

Kuldeep froze in horror.

"Hardik?" said Yuzi loudly.

Thankfully for Jaddu and Siri, Hardik close that moment to barge into the room yelling, "What's the party about?"

And everyone in the room froze.

Jaddu was standing half covered in a bedsheet, and Virat was out with Tani, and Hardik was standing in front of them too, then who was the second ghost?

Kuldeep yelled, Hardik yelled and Yuzi yelled too, and Jaddu joined in just to increase the chaos and Bhuvi ran in, shouting, "WHAT'S WRONG?'

Siri was doubled up with laughter by now, she hadn't expected Jaddu bhaiya's plan to succeed this much... nor had she expected she'd like hooliganism like this.

But there she was, rolling with laughter.

Bhuvi went up to the second ghost and pulled off the bedsheet, and said in disbelief, "Siri?"

The look on everyone's face made Jaddu and Siri laugh harder, till they all joined in.

"You're ridiculous, Jad," muttered Bhuvi. "How you manage to corrupt the most calm souls will always remain a mystery to me."

"I haven't managed to corrupt you yet," said Jaddu wickedly.

"I think she's finer this way," declared Hardik, looking at Siri with pride.

Siri's smile turned into a grimace.

Hardik sidled up to her and tried saying something like, "Will you teach me how to act like a ghost so perfectly," but before he could, Siri hastily escaped from the room.

"You're a creep, Harry," Yuzi informed Hardik.

"I'm not," said Hardik.

"You are," said Yuzi and Kuldeep together.

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