Chapter 3: Lionblaze

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            Lionblaze and his patrol charged towards the Sky Oak. Shadecloud stood at the base of the massive tree, with a terrified Frostkit crouching beside her and mewling pitifully. Groundsquirrel laid still and unmoving nearby. His head was bleeding in multiple places. A badger was approaching Shadecloud and Frostkit. Lionblaze lifted his head and let out a battle cry. His patrol darted forward and attacked the badger in unison. The badger seemed confused for a moment, not knowing which cat to attack first.

            Then, the badger came to its senses and knocked Wavefur to the ground with a massive paw. Floodface swiped her claws across the badger’s broad muzzle and the badger shook its head in fury. Lionblaze took advantage of the moment to sink his teeth into the badger’s neck. The badger fell to the ground, and Lionblaze watched as the life faded from its eyes. For a long moment, every cat was silent. Then, Shadecloud spoke. “Thank you, Lionblaze, for saving my life,” she meowed with her voice trembling. “Could you please carry Groundsquirrel back to camp? H-he was severely injured by the badger and I am not sure if he is going to make it.”

            Lionblaze carefully grabbed the injured warrior’s neck in his jaws and began to drag him back to the camp.

            As soon as they entered the camp, cats were immediately gathered around asking questions. Groundsquirrel’s siblings were one of the first to approach. “What happened to him?” Grassfur wailed.

            Cavefrost gave her a comforting lick on the ear. Grassfur completely ignored Cavefrost. “I said, What happened to my brother?” she repeated, tearing up clumps of grass with her claws as she waited impatiently.

            “A badger attacked near the Sky Oak,” Lionblaze meowed grimly.

            Just then, Shadecloud entered the camp carrying Frostkit in her jaws. As soon as she set the little kit on the ground, Frostkit immediately hurried back towards the nursery. Lionblaze rushed forwards and blocked her path. Lionblaze shoved his nose in her face and glared at her. “What in the name of StarClan were you doing out of the nursery?” Lionblaze demanded.

            The young kit cowered under the ThunderClan deputy’s menacing gaze. “I was getting bored in the nursery,” she squeaked. “And I…”

            “And you decided that it was okay to leave the nursery without permission from any cat and nearly get yourself killed? You must be punished for this!” Lionblaze meowed angrily.

            “But I…”

            “No excuses!” Lionblaze shouted.

            Blossomfall stepped in between the two cats. “She’s only a kit, Lionblaze,” she reminded him.

            “She still must be punished,” Lionblaze grumbled, but with less anger in his voice this time.

            “Go to the nursery and stay there until Bramblestar and I decide your punishment,” Lionblaze ordered. “And you better not leave unless you really want to be punished.”

            Frostkit, with her tail drooping and her head pointed straight towards the ground, walked sullenly into the nursery.

            Lionblaze scrambled up onto the Highledge. “Someone carry Groundsquirrel into Jayfeather’s den,” he ordered. “I am going to speak with Bramblestar now.”

            Lionblaze poked his head into Bramblestar’s den. It was empty. “Where did he go?” Lionblaze muttered to himself.

            “Hunting, I think,” a voice meowed from behind him.

            Lionblaze spun around quickly. Floodface stood in front of him, meeting his startled gaze. “Sorry that I scared you,” Floodface meowed. “But I had to come up here to tell that Bramblestar is not here at the moment.  I saw him leave the camp at sunhigh. He should be back soon.”

            Lionblaze glanced at the horizon. The sun had almost faded beneath the horizon and the camp was bathed in a pale orange glow. “I won’t wait for him,” Lionblaze meowed quietly. “I led the dawn patrol this morning and I am a bit tired.”

            Lionblaze leaped down from the Highledge and padded into the warriors den. He settled comfortably into his mossy nest and stifled a yawn. He closed his eyes and fell asleep to the chattering of the birds and the whispering of the wind.

Warriors: The Unknown Threat Series Book #6: Howling WindWhere stories live. Discover now