chapter 3

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*kaminari's pov*
I woke up to something warm beside me, I don't know what it was but it smelled nice so I snuggled closer to it. After moving closer I heard a soft thumping sound so I opened my eyes and looked up and saw a calm, sleeping shinsou. I smiled at his beautiful face for a while until I was cut out of my thoughts by a tired voice saying "take a picture it lasts longer." I suddenly jumped away from him or tried to but he held me tightly and I couldn't escape which I didn't really mind.
He held me closer until our faces were inches apart, I could feel his hot breath on my face and it was warm a sorta smelt nice. I was a bit confused on whether he was going to kiss me or not so I made the decision and kissed him, at first it was a bit awkward but only for a second then we both sank into it. His hand travelled up my spine making me shudder a bit but then it reached my hair and shinsou's hand laced itself in my hair pulling me closer. He started pushing his tongue against my bottom lip asking for entrance which I, ofcourse, accepted.
We had to part for air but I didn't want to stop. I felt a sense of need, a need to have more, more of him. It was like he was my drug and if I stopped I might stop living. So I continued, this time it was more heated and intense, we both fought for dominance and ..........he won we continued like this for a few more seconds until, there was a rapid knock on the door. We both jumped up and shinsou started cleaning up while I went to the door and opened it to see Mina "hi!" She smiled and invited herself in my room "oh, shinsou your here, why are you here?" Mina asked. I looked over at shinsou who looked like he was about to have a panic attack.
"We were errr....s-studying, that's what we were doing" it sounded like the worst lie in the history of lies but I was panicking and it was the first thing that came into my head so I went along with to at least convince her enough so that she'd drop it, hopefully.
"Okay, sureeeeeeee what ever you say kami!( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" she gave us the lenny face and added the most sarcasm to that sentence as she could. She already knew what had happened and I didn't even say a word.

*time skip, just because*
We went down stairs to the common room where most of the class was. I didn't realise me and shinsou hadn't let go of our hands until the girls, apart from jiro, started squealing. Once I realised what they were fan girling about I let go of shinsou's hand and took a few steps back, when I looked back at him I saw a small pout on his face and I felt guilty knowing I made him sad.
Not many asked questions so I wasn't as embarrassed as I thought I would be. The reason mina brought us down here was because we were all going to the shopping centre today so me and shinsou went to our rooms and got changed. I wore black, ripped Jean's and a white t-shirt with a yellow lightning strike across it, with the word spark on it. I put on a necklace, a watch and a few bangles to top it off.

I walked out of my room and saw shinsou on his phone wearing dark blue jeans, a white shirt with three stripes, a dark blue jacket, a watch and a backpack.

He grabbed my hand and begun walking, I smiled and walked beside him.
*time skip, at the shopping centre*
It was crowded there but I kept hold of shinsou's hand to make sure I didn't lose him.
We went to a few shops together but we lost the others so it was just us, alone, a date but not an official one.
We stopped at a cafe for a drink. I got an oreo milkshake and shinsou got strawberry milkshake.
While we were drinking, I felt a foot start running itself up and down my leg, surprised by shinsou's actions I fell off my chair. I started laughing so I didn't worry him, he just smiled at me and helped me up. We finished our drinks and headed back to the dorms.
*at le dormz*
We went to shinsou's room and done what both of us were itching to do all day, kiss.
He pushed me up against the wall, I wrapped my legs around his waist, I grabbed his hair and brought his face close to me, he finished my action by closing the gap and we kissed passionately, my hands always in his hair and the only break was for air (that rhymes). Soon he pushed me on the bed and brought the attention to my neck. THEN WE WATCHED A MOVIE AND WENT TO BED CUDDLING EACHOTHER AND NOTHING ELSE HAPPENED 👌🏻.

I am in love with shinsou. I want him. Only him. And no-one can stop me.(not that would want to though)

Okay so, chapter 3 is here and it's queer. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. And no I dont write smutt. A little fluff is ok tho so..... yeah anyway next chapter will be out at some time before Christmas because I am thinking (and probably will) of making a Christmas special. Thanks for reading. Bye
Word count: 967

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