Chapter 7

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Shimsou's pov----------
It's over. It's all over. The amazing kisses. His beautiful face. His stupid but cute antics. All gone because of one bitch. Jiro. I swear to god I'm going to murder that girl for stealing my guy, my pikachu, and why do I say 'my' BECAUSE HE IS MY BOYFRIEND. Soon I will end this.
But then again doesn't it mean kami agreed to be with her. So he is cheating on me, we haven't even broken up, he could've at least told me. I guess I'm not good enough.

Kaminari's pov----------
I'm happy everything is sorted. The air is clean. Jiro needs help from a friend and I'm happy to be her helpful friend.
I walked to shinsou's dorm and knocked. He opened the door and looked shocked. I ignored it and gave him a peck on the cheek, walking in and sitting on his bed. He now wore a very confused face, making it look like he was trying to find out the square root of pi. "Hello" I simply smiled at him.
"Get out" he sounded frustrated but I have no knowledge of why. Now it was my turn to be confused.

Third person ----------
Shinsou raised his voice and repeated his words "GET OUT!"
"W-what did I do?" Kaminari stuttered
"YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU DID, YOU BITCH! DON'T PLAY DUMB!" Shinsou was more angrier then he could ever remember.
"Listen, can you just calm down. We can talk about it later but whatever it is I will listen and we can work it out." Kaminari reasoned, trying to eventually get an understanding of the situation.
"Fine. Meet you in my room after dinner."Shinsou spoke giving in to the argument because , although he won't admit it, he was helplessly in love with kaminari.


It was 7PM, after dinner. During dinner Jiro sat inbetween shinsou and kaminari and kept putting her hand on kaminari's thigh and rubbing up and down. Shinsou noticed this because Jiro made it extremely obvious. All through eating, Shinsou felt awkward and pissed so he ate as fast as he could and when he finished he sat up harshly and stormed to his room.
Kaminari walked with Jiro towards shinsou's room, they split off and kaminari walked casually into shinsou's purple themed room.
"Hi, so what's up?" Kaminari asked innocently.
You, are you in love with me or Jiro? You can't choose both so pick one." Shinsou deadpaned
"Ohhhhhh, right forgot to tell you but Jiro told me a secret about how her parents don't except her sexuality so she accidentally told them I was her boyfriend so until she is comfortable I am acting to be her boyfriend in front of her parents. Although I don't really know why she was rubbing me thigh during dinner, that was a little weird. But still I love you not her, i am just doing a good deed." Kaminari explained.
"Are you serious?" The purple haired male asked.
"Yes, why do you ask?"kaminari spoke with confusion.
"She told me you guys were dating and you are only with me out of pity, she also said some really mean stuff to me." Shinsou responded while fiddling with his fingers.
"WHAT DID SHE SAY?" I shouted with shock.
"S-she said stuff about me being a gay faggot and how I am a useless, disappoint and how your 'hers' and I should piss off." He explained with a sort of shocked face because he had never seen kaminari this angry before. Kaminari stormed angrily towards the goths room, Shinsou kept up with him though it was difficult as kaminari was running at full speed.
BOOM. Jiro's door was kicked open by kaminari

Kaminari's pov----------

I am absolutely mega fucking fuming. For some reason Jiro thinks she has the right to lie to me AND Shinsou, imma 'bout to whoop her ass with my flip flops.heh.
I kicked open her door and began my rant;" WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU LIE TO ME AND SHINSOU? WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING THAT WOULD RISK OUR FRIENDSHIP AND MINE AND SHINSOU'S RELATIONSHIP? GOD, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING YOU DUMBASS? WHAT, THAT THIS WILL ALL WORK OUT AND NO-ONE WILL KNOW? HA, YOU MUST BE KIDDING ME! FOR GODS SAKE, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I stopped and took a big shaky breath and looked Jiro dead in the eye and finished all I had to say," what was true?" I asked now feeling a lump in my throat and tears threatening to fall from my eyes.
Jiro look down to her feet and started fiddling with her fingers. "U-umm not a lot. Well nothing actually," she mumbled. I stared in disbelief at my once very good friend, who betrayed me.
Someone behind me whispered a silent and soft 'why' I turned around to get a better look at this person.
She had tears running down her face and i could tell by the look in her eyes she was hurt and it was without a doubt a crying Momo.

Sorry for not posting recently but life is very busy so I can't seem to find time. But here you go, next chapter is here. Let's see how the class reacts to the lies Jiro has made. hope you enjoyed.
Word count: 888

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