chapter 10

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Kaminari's pov----------
I-I already miss him. But he stressed me out he was never sure of himself and was always hesitant to weather or not he should do anything a normal couple would do but I suppose I know now. He doesn't know if he loves me and he probably never did, all along he was using me and unfortunately he got to me and now I'm in despair. I guess I'm going to cry myself to sleep and hope I never wake up with this same feeling of loss and pain.


I wake up to the sun blaring in my face as I forgot to close my curtains last night.........last night- FUCK! I whispered a string of curses to myself as I cried even more, waterfalls were cascading down my face like there was no tomorrow. *knock knock* I heard a small voice at my door asking if I was ok- i didn't reply. I shuffled to the door and opened it to see mina her face changing from cheerful to worried. "What happened?" The pink friend asked as she ushered kami to his bed after closing his door.
"I-I as*sniffle*ked if he-he l-loved me and he *sniffle* didn't reply so I-I-I broke up with him" the electric friend chocked between sobs.

3rd person pov----------

Mina comforted denki to her best ability as he cried his pains away but what no-one knew was that Shinso was bleeding all over his floor unable to move or ask for help although he wouldn't want it any way.

------the next day-------
It was morning and students started filing in for school. 1-A sat there waiting for class to start then a yellow Caterpillar crawled into the room to start the lesson " where is Shinsou?" He asked slightly concerned. Everyone looked to his seat he wasn't there. "Midoriya can you go to his dorm please."
"Ofcourse." He replied.

Midoriya's pov----------

Mr. Azaiwa asked me to check on Shinso for him so I did. As I came up the his dorm room I knocked on it but there was no answer so I attempted to open it, it was unlocked so I walked in to see nothing so I went to check if he was in his bathroom I once again knocked but my knock opened up the bathroom door to what I saw was the worst thing ever I felt like throwing up. There was Shinso laying on the floor sprawled in his own blood looking lifeless. Tears ran down my face and I was too shocked and scared to move but I managed to pick up my phone and call Mr.Azaiwa. "hello?"
"He-help....shin*sniffle* everywhere" Mr.Azaiwa hung up and was soon in the dorm with me he grabbed Shinso and started running ing with him so I followed.

We arrived at the front desk of the hospital where the took him to the emergency room. I still hadn't stopped silently crying as the picture of his limp body was printed in my mind. The doctors were talking to me and sensei but I wasn't listening.

Soon the entire class came into the hospital, I assumed sensei told them. Ida and Uraraka were next to me comforting me as my boyfriend, sho-kun, hugged and whispered comforting words that calmed me down for the most part.

What happened to Shinso?

Sorry about not posting for ages but I forgot about this book so I'm sorry but here you go. I know it's short but it was kinda rushed. Thank you for reading this tho I will start to do an ending soon xxx❤❤❤❤❤

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