chapter 5

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*Shinsou's pov*
I wanted kami to be truthful and honest towards me so I betrayed him when I knew it was wrong but I did it anyway.
After I brainwashed him, he ran out of my house, leaving his half-eaten food on the table, "That was a bad idea, it would've been better if you had left it. Let's hope he forgives you." Shota explained with traces of pity in his voice.
I fucked up. I really fucked up bad.


*kami's pov*
I woke up to my alarm I forgot to turn off. I hit the off button and groaned while getting out of bed knowing I wont be able to go back to sleep. I went to the kitchen thinking of last night's events, over and over until I was sitting at the counter with my breakfast. I don't know what to do, I love him, he betrayed me. I should punish him a little, just to know he won't do this again, yup that's what I'll do. Okay the plan is to ignore him for today, let's see how he'll react to that, hehehe.


I sat in the common room fully dressed and watching T.V, the my beautiful boyfriend walked in, he instantly went in front of me and started apologising but stopped ranting when he realised I wasn't paying attention, or at least he thought I wasn't. He started frantically waving his hand in front of my face, I tried to hold back a laugh at his antics and I managed but it was difficult.
Soon he gave in and walked away but I felt his eyes glued to me without even looking.
A few minutes later kirishima, Sero and Mina walked over. We talked and hung out talking about our presents and what they got from their families obviously I didn't mention mine.
During the conversation Bakugou walked in and sat with his boyfriend, Kirishima, he sat next to him and pulled him into a hug, they sat like that until they left to go to their rooms to get dressed so I too got up and just went to my room and went on my phone I continuously kept getting texts from shinsou but I stuck to my plan and didn't respond but just to annoy him even more I left him on read.


It had been a few hours and I was just enjoying my friends company in the common room, playing Mario cart but I'm actually shit and was always losing so I left and went to my room where I found Shinso.
Shinso was outside the door, directly in front of it so I couldn't enter my room unless I interacted with him.
Instead I attempted to push him aside but he is stronger than me so I struggled to do this.
He opened my door, picked me up and carried in my room then he pinned me up against the wall, my gay panic started. He leaned close to my ear and whispered "I'm sorry, please forgive me."
He looked me straight in my eyes and I couldn't resist him, I broke my own rule and wrapped my arms around him and giving a kiss that lasted for a few seconds but I wanted it to last so much longer but then I got payback " I know you want to kiss me more but you ignored me the whole day so no more kisses till tomorrow." This sly comment was assisted with a sly smirk that I could die for.
"No fair.......!" I complained seeing his look of proudness made me feel like I was missing out and I talked him onto my bed and kissed him breaking his promise. He, ofcourse, kissed back but instead of the small kiss we usually shared he deepened it, he nibbled on my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I allowed, he explored every corner of my mouth 'do mouths have corners?' He shifted his position on the bed to lay on top of me and I accepted defeat although I don't mind being the submissive one. We continued this for awhile, his hand on my waist and the other in my hair, my hands both in his fluffy hair. I felt Shinsou's hand slide under my shirt and I pulled away for air and from shock. I looked at him wide eyed and simply pushed him so his back was on the bed I gave him one quick, little peck on the lips and then wrapped my arms around his torso. He shifted his position so we were face to face or really my face was facing his chest. He held me close with our arms and legs intertwined, slowly drifting into a dreamless but happy sleep.

*Shinsou's pov*

I got wrapped up in the moment and obviously I was too forward so when kami pushed me into a hug I understood he wasn't ready so we hugged and for some reason when I'm with him I can actually sleep, without nightmares, without struggle and I don't worry about my insecurities. I feel safe, happy, loved and I feel like I'm wanted and the best thing is I return those feelings. Kami accepts me for who I am and I accept him. I don't want this to end. I love him.

I love Denki Kaminari.

Okay next chapter is here. It is shorter but life is busy and I am struggling to find time but none the less I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and now Christmas, boxing day and new years is over I hope I'll have more time.
Word count: 944

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