chapter 9

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Hewwo, so this chapter is depressing but ya know. Suicide and cutting will be here with us today so this is just a warning but apart from that enjoy the story.❤💀

Kaminari's pov----------
I woke up in kirishima's bed with him next to me on the the floor. I got up and attempted to sneak out of his dorm when he suddenly grabbed my foot, I face planted the floor and he started hysterically laughing as I just stared at him whilst rubbing my now throbbing nose. Most the pain went away quite quickly and I soon started to giggle, until I heard a knock at kirishima's door. He opened it and it was Bakugo and not only did they have a little kiss, Bakugo smiled, SMILED, it was happy and general. I obviously took a photo and then got yelled at for a bit, ah friends.
I left and went to my dorm when I saw Shinsou about to go to his room "hello, babe~" I giggled at myself and he giggled as well.
"You seem happier" he replied
"Me and kiri talked about what happened and I feel soooooo much better. At least I can continue with the hero studies now" I explained to the purple insomniac.
"Wait, you told someone about it." He whisper shouts.
K-"Yeah, what's the problem?"
S- "What's the problem?" He exclaimed dragging me into his room. "I WILL TELL YOU THE PROBLEM! YOU DON'T GO AROUND TELLING PEOPLE OUR SECRETS!"
K- "Do you love me?"
S- " What?"
K- "Do you love me?"
K-" goodbye Shinsou, have a nice life without me" I started to tremble at what I had just said to the love of my life but before I could show myself crying in front of him I ran out the door and headed to my dorm. I began crying till I couldn't breath, talk or have the will to live.
I ran to the roof of the U.A dorms and edged slowly towards the ledge, eventually deciding to sit there and contemplate for a while until I heard someone else's presence behind me. I turn my head to see.....

Shinsou's pov-----
"Goodbye Shinsou, have a nice life without me." My heart dropped at hearing these words and as kaminari ran out the room I fell to my knees, not caring at the pain that vibrated through my legs as I collided with hard wood. He broke up with me. One of the few people I actually cared about and the one person I loved the most, broke up with me.
I stood and walked to my dorm room still trying to process what had just happened but it wouldn't go through. I didn't want to believe it. But it was true. I am single, again, after finding someone too perfect for me and now I have lost him. He isn't the idiot, I am. All because I let him slip through my fingers.
I sat on my bed pondering on what I should do now, and the only thing that came to mind was cut...... so I did. Six for all of my recent mistakes. Then I thought about kaminari and made two deep cuts and some more shallow ones. By the end I had cuts all up my arms and blood flow out all of them. As I stared at what I have done, black dots started to blur my vision and the last thing I felt was my body going stiff as I dropped onto the hard floor of my bathroom. Euphoria filled me knowing my problems will leave and the pain of my mistakes and regrets could finally die with me. No-one cared anyway and the ones who did have left me so I am not worried, not anymore.

Sorry I haven't been posting but I'm a lazy bitch so I will try my best to be consistent but no promises coz I'm like that. But stay safe from the coronavirus and enjoy quarantine.
Word count: 702

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