Chapter 11

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Kaminari's pov----------
We were sitting in class learning some weird numbers that I don't understand when sensei got a call he sighed and picked it up. Whoever was on the other line must of said something horrible because his eyes opened wider than humanly possible and then ran out the room, I wonder what happened.
After a few minutes a text was sent to all of us from the class group chat for deku.

                      Class 1-A

Deku🥦:  every one go to xxxxxx hospital NOW! It's an emergency!!
           Alien queen👽: what's up deku?

Deku🥦: just hurry!!!

We all look at each other and then leave the class room we got the bus and eventually got to the hospital where we see deku crying waterfalls and Mr. Azawia with small tears rolling down his face "what happened?" Asked Tsu after todoroki, uraraka and ida ran up to deku and hugged him.
"S-shinsou tried to commi-commit s-suicide" Azawia stuttered then put his head in his hands and started crying more.
Those words tore down my world and I lost all my senses but I felt a pain ripple through my knees, telling me I fell to my knees. My brain couldn't process the information properly and the next thing I knew everything went black.
I woke up and looked around to see I was sitting on a chair with my head laying on mina's shoulder (it's platonic) "how long was I out" I asked
"Nearly two hours" she replied
I smiled at her, stood up, stretched and looked at my surroundings to then realise I was in a hospital, why was I in a hospital? Oh right Shinsou tried to commit suicide-WAIT SHINSOU TRIED TO COMMIT SUICIDE NONONONONONONONONO THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!!!!!
"Can I go see Shinsou yet?" I started to panic and it was very visable.
"No, he still isn't in a stable enough condition sorry"Mina replied sadly. I nodded, sat down and started crying silently knowing this was all my fault. Shinsou, the love of my life, might die because I was having second thoughts that he even loved me, yes I thought that he didn't love me and well he didn't say he loved me so I thought that was the silver lining and I now realise I was being a selfish bitch looking out for only myself and I don't deserve him or anyone I should've realised that earlier but now I might lose- no the world might lose an amazing person because I doubted him and myself. I started shaking and hyperventilating but all I could feel is that I have blood on my hands, I'm a murderer and I would give anything for him to not die even if that ment  for me to die, I don't care. I love him and I would do anything for him but I'm useless and he's hurting because of me. It's my fault. It is. Who was that. Me, I tell people the truth to help them and I will help you. It is your fault that he's dying and when everyone finds out they will stop being your friend so you should probably get rid of them before they break your heart. You are a murderer and can never be a hero, if he dies it's gonna be your fault and if he was to wake up he won't love you ever again so if he dies you should too.
Fresh tears started running down my face again and curled up in a ball for god knows how long with only a few thoughts going through my mind unfortunately none were positive only negative; mostly suicide and how I'm a murderer.
But why? Why on earth did this always happen I was fine without him and he was fine without me and now I'm a mess and he's dying, is this what happens to people who fall in love because I thought it was happy and always good but now I think about my love life and my heart has only been broken and ripped apart. When will this end? When will it all end?

Okay so I had an idea, what if I updated more frequently but I made shorter chapters? I like that idea so imma try my best to update more frequently.
Word count: 728

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