chapter 6

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A/N this chapter will contain shinsou being depressed and cutting himself ⚠️you have been warned⚠️

Shinsou's POV-----
I slowly regained consciousness but I felt no warmth next to me I looked around but there was no sight of him.
I got dressed and went to the kitchen to make a coffee, once I had made it I carried it to the common room, where I found kami talking to Jiro. I don't know why buy my heart dropped a little, even though she is just his friend and if I'm a good boyfriend than I shouldn't stop him from talking to his friends, so I brushed it off and walked up to him and Jiro.
I saw Jiro sneak a glance at me and suddenly she grabbed kami's head and pushed their faces together, lips to lips. I couldn't believe my eyes.
I ran to my room feeling tears pricking the corner of my eyes threatening to fall, my heart hurt a pain I never knew of, so I went back to a pain I did know of. I thought I could find happiness to stop this from happening again but it always catches  up with me.
I ran into my bathroom and locked the door, I stared at myself for a while, seeing no-one worthwhile.
I reached under the back of the sink and pulled out a small box of broken glass shards. I rolled up my sleeves and done what I knew best, cut.
After about 14 shallow and two deep cuts I bandaged my arms up and walked out the bathroom after cleaning it.
I felt calmer but still sad. I probably overreacted, 'god what is this boy doing to me' I thought, bringing my legs up to my chest and hugging them. I thought over what happened and realised maybe it was done against kaminari's will, afterall Jiro waited till she saw me to kiss him and when she pulled him in for a kiss he looked shocked, I suppose I should talk about it to them.


I saw Jiro and walked up to her "ummmm hi Jiro" I muttered awkwardly.
"O-oh hi, what's up?"she stuttered as if she was nervous or scared, I shook it off and continued.
"So I saw you and kaminari kiss, a-are you a th-thing?"I dreaded that question and silently panicked and worried for the answer. All this time I was staring at her, she suddenly smirked slyly and her response made me want to die.
"Oh you didn't know? Well, me and Denki are dating, he told me how he was straight and only got with you because he felt pity for your sad, pathetic life," she spoke bitterly and the answer made tears start to run down my face," what did you think he would actually love you? Haha wow, you really are pathetic, but just know he's mine now so piss off, don't talk to him, don't even look at him. Is that clear?" My heart hurt like hell and I wanted to jump off a skyscraper but all I managed to mutter out was


Kaminari POV----------
I woke up happy seeing shinsou next to me but I was hungry so I got up and went to kitchen. I got cereal and sat in the common room watching cartoons, I was soon joined by Jiro. We had a great conversation about heroes and cartoons. I don't know who walked in but when they did Jiro suddenly grabbed my head and pulled me into a kiss. I heard a smash of something breaking but I didn't know what. I heard foot steps of someone running away but I didn't know who. All I do know is I'm a faithful boyfriend and I wont stand for this. I pushed away, confused and shocked, "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT?" I screamed in her face, it's not something she would usually do which is why I'm extremely upset with her.
"I-I lo-love y-you?"she asked as a question rather than a statement.
"WELL I DON'T" I shouted to her.
"So what are you gonna do about it, be a gay f-faggot with that shinsou? N-no you will love me because I will make shinsou hate you!" She spoke nervously but tried to seem as confident as possible.
K-"Oh well listen we can work this out. I will help you, and my parents wont accept me bu t I don't care because I'm happy being me, and you should be happy to be you and don't let anyone else tell you different."
J-" okay, thank you but I ummm kind of told my parents I have a boyfriend and I kind of told them it was you soooooo......."
I stood there stunned but I understood her reasons so I agreed to play the role of her 'boyfriend' for her parents until she was ready to be herself.

Jiro's pov----------

Okay so I lied to kaminari. Fuck. My parents don't care who I am or who I love they accept me anyway. Oh well, this little lie is becoming bigger and bigger with every time I open my mouth.
Everyone would be disappointed with me if they knew the truth, especially momo.
I love Momo but I can't accept myself and I hate rejection so I'm going to suffer. I hope I don't hurt kaminari or Shinsou too badly, I know they are a thing but I always thought I would be able to get kaminari to like me seen as he used to be a bit of a pervert but now I dont know what to do.
I will have to let them down slowly? Or I could just live the lie of me and kaminari are dating and make sure no-one ever knows about it? Sure I'll do that.

There we go next chapter out. Sorry it took do long but life is busy. We now got some drama and we shall see if Jiro ruins this beautifully gay relationship. Enjoy.
Word count:1076
P.s the photo at the top is not mine. I just like it and think it's funny.

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