Fitz's P.O.V

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    Sophie's song was like looking into her heart and feeling her pain and how she cops with what has been thrown at her. I loved it and I love her.

"Fitz truth or dare?" 


"I said truth or dare." Biana said sounding annoyed with me.

"Oh. Um dare.

Oh you're brave 

yeah I hope I won't regret it 

well it is Biana so good look

"Yay! I dare you to describe Sophie's physical appearance." At first I didn't think the dare was that bad until I looked at her and remembered that ever sense Biana gave Sophie a makeover I was trying avert my eyes from her chest because she was wearing a clear mesh shirt with a black bra shining through paired with tight fitted black jeans. Her makeup was over the top she had gold eye shadow , dark red lipstick , light pink blush , silver mascara , winged eye liner with a cats eye , and two dutch braids leading to a rose bun at the base of her skull. The overall effect was breathtakingly beautiful. But now I see that I should be more careful with what I pick when Biana asked me, because now I have to tell Sophie that I think the tight jeans enhance her curves and how her lips look totally kissable and that her eyes pop and stand out, I'll also have to tell her that I think that she looked so amazing and I didn't mind bing able to see through her shirt. Maybe if I skim over some details they wont notice thought I'll have to mention the shirt or else they wont believe me.

" Yo Fitzy you gonna do the dare or not?" Keefe asked.

Can I transmit

ask biana this is her dare not mine


Hey Biana can I transmit to Sophie  

No if you transmit you have to transmit to me Linh and Marella

come on Bee 


fine I'll do it


*(Transmitting to the girls it will be like this when he transmits to all of them)*

Ok here goes nothing the way the eye liner parred with the eye shadow mascara and lipstick makes your  eyes pop and your face looks like it could be glowing and your hair is so perfectly stilled and put together it looks like it is glowing to and sense it is pulled back it only enhances everything I have already said about your face and it draws your attention  to your lips and cheekbones that are outlined by the light peach blush. Now on to the clothes your pants outline each of your curves perfectly and wirings my attention up to the bodice so yeah 

hey I think you forgot something Fitzy Sophie teases

Sophie don't make me 

why not 

because you are a good person

oh am I would you say that if I told you this was my idea

what Sophie why 

because I thought it would be funny give me another reason why I should let you slide

because you love me

nah I don't think that excuses you from humility I think that is why I am going to make you say it

Sophie why 

again because this is so funny

ok and the shirt is basically transparent and I don't mind it too much I think the whole outfit is amazing and looks really good on Sophie 

that was SO cute Biana, Linh, and Marella all scream at once

"Ok now that the girls have had their fun let's go back to the game." Tam says.

Ok now it is my turn!" Keefe exclaims. " Let's see Fitz truth or Dare?"

"Come on why is everybody targeting me?" 

"Buddy just trust me." Keefe orders me but that dose not help so I think I'll play it safe.

" Truth."

"Ok." Keefe leans over and whispers in my ear as my truth if I would submit myself to pranking just to kiss Sophie and I said yes.

" Oh good you two are done my turn now! Sophie says. " Dex truth or dare?"

"Kids time to go to bed in whatever arrangement you created." My mom calls up the stairs Dex is lucky that my mom said that when she did though now that I look out the window I see that it probably is like 12:30 or something.

"Ok guys we will draw names out of a hat and we have to sleep with that person;Ok?"


Once we picked names I ended up with Sophie. 


Sophie - Fitz 

Biana - Tam

Dex - Marella

Linh - Wylie 

Thank you to @HalfBloodMoonlark for pointing out that I forgot Keefe but it is an odd number so I don't have anyone for him. I'm so sorry I might just make up a character for him or should he end up with Stina or Muruca. I know I spelled that wrong but I don't feel like looking through the books to find the spelling if you know how to spell it feel free to comment it.


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