Tam's P.O.V

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When I woke up this morning nobody else was up so I went downstairs to get a drink and I heard footsteps coming from the terrace and when I walked out there I couldn't see anyone which ment Biana, god I love her. 

" Biana?" 

" Oh hi Tam."

" Biana are you ok?"

" Yeah I'm fine just cold." 

" Here then take my coat. Hey Biana this might not be the best time to tell you this but I really like you, like I really like you. Oh my gosh why did I just tell that I know you don't like me too, I'm sorry..." Biana cut me off by kissing me.

" Tam I like you too, you have no idea how long I've dreamed of this moment. Sophie and Linh kept telling me that you liked me too but I ignored them. . . . . ." That's when I cut her off by kissing her. It was like a dream come true, I felt like I was floating on a cloud it was awesome.Then in came Sophie and she said she needed to talk to Biana, I really didn't want her to leave but Sophie is her best friend and if she saw our moment she would not have interrupted because well she is Biana's best friend and a really nice person. Sure she probably would make Biana tell her all about it in the morning but she would let us have this now.

A/N - Sorry just realized that they were supposed to leave but how about this is right before they were going to leave so Sophie went to get Biana Please Thanks. Again SORRY it was so short but I had to update and I couldn't think of anything else to put and I PROMISE and this time I MEAN it. But please tell me that at least the little fluff moment was worth it. I like just started and finished it.

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