Marella's P.O.V

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After we separate from each other I walk around and finally end up at the food table, I see a plate laying there. It was piled with food and I look over my shoulder and see Sophie stare at it sadly. It must be hers. I pick it up and grab myself a plate I put some food on it mostly desert. While I'm standing here a boy comes up to me with a group of his friends. Cute. He has blue eyes and dark brown hair. He's tall taller than me at least. A few minutes later I look over at Sophie and see her look at me she smiles when she sees her plate of food and then her eyes dart around, looking for someone, who though. 

" Hey what's your name?" One of the boys asks.

" Oh my name is Marella. How 'bout you guys?"

" Well," The boy who asked me my name says. " my name is Blake and these are my friends Mark, Seth, Conner, and James."

" Nice to meet you guys." I smile taking a bite of what Sophie called pizza. Mm it's good. Then Sophie comes over.

" Hey Marella. Thank you for grabbing my food." Sophie hugs me and then smiles at the boys. " Hi. I'm Sophie."

" Sophie This is Blake, Mark, Seth, Conner, and James." I tell her pointing to each boy in turn.

" Hello." They all say in unison. Haha.

" So what up?" I ask Sophie.

" I tell you when we're back at the house with Linh and Biana. Ok?" 

" Yeah."

" So what's up here?" She ask. She looks at the boys and smiles. I feel bad for her I know how hard this must be and yet she manages to stand in this loud place and smile at random strangers like everything is fine.

" Nothing much." 

Conner smiles at her and she looks up from her plate of food and smiles back. " Then the song pay me back comes on and Sophie jumps. " Oo I love this song." 

" Do you guys like to dance?" I ask them.

" Yeah. Hey do you girls want to dance with us?" Blake asks, he smiles at me and I smile back. I mean he is super cute. 

" Hold on. Marella can you hold this for another second?" Sophie asks looking at her food.

" Yeah. Why?" She hands me her plate and races away before she answers. In a minute she's back and she brought Linh and Biana with her.

" Boys these are our friends Linh and Biana." Sophie introduces pointing to them in turn.

" Nice to meet you." Linh says.

" Hey." Biana adds. She smiles at James and walks over and stands next to him. While Linh smiles at Seth. " Sophie you love this song." Biana remembers. " Lets go dance." She drags all of onto the dance floor. Before I go I hide mine and Sophie's plates of food so that they will be there when we get back and no one will take them.

All to soon the song is over and the boys leave saying that they have to get home because they have school tomorrow. 

Biana looks up at the DJ booth. " Look," She points to a sign hung there." There's a dance contest tonight. Sophie you danced when you lived here right?"

" Yeah but I'm not any good." She protests.

" Come on it will take your mind off Fitz." Linh adds.

" Fine," she relents. She walks to the bathrooms and comes out in a crop top and black leggings. " There this is s much easier to dance in than that dress. Don't worry Biana I still have it it's in the bag." She hands Biana her bag and gets in line.

( A/N- Go to the dance when she has on the I need more Space shirt it's about 7 minutes and 13 seconds in then wait and you'll see it. That's the dance Sophie is going to do.)

Sophie lines up to dance. And when it's her turn she steps onto the small stage in front of the DJ booth she stands up and waits for the music.

" How do you think she's going to do?" I whisper in Biana's ear.

" I think or hope that she's going to be great." She whispers back. Then the music starts and Sophie starts dancing. OMG she's amazing, I should have guessed.

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