Broken Bird

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Broken Bird

It started with a bird. On his 9th birthday, a dove had flew into the screen door. It's wing was broken and it's beak was bent. All of the other kids at the party went on to eat cake, candy, and jump in the bounce house.

Calvin couldn't let the little lark suffer. He brushed the residual Cheeto dust from his fingers. "Okay little buddy, I won't hurt you." He said.

With gentle hands, Calvin took hold of the bird. While the kids and parents remained in the backyard, he decided to play hero. Since both of his parents were doctors, Cal figured healing was in his blood.

He carried the bird inside. Cal needed to sneak by the kitchen with the bird. His mom and dad were talking to their friends about "grownup stuff" and they wanted everyone outside. After all, it was Calvin's birthday.

Cal rested his back against the wall. He listened for his opportunity.

"... What do you expect us to do? It's our son's birthday, we can't be gone for long. People will suspect something." His mother, Iyanna, said.

Her words displeased the blonde man in the trench coat. "I just spent the better half of the week exorcizing fifty poor idiots in Michigan. I know what bloody day it is, Iyanna." He said.

Cal's eyes bulged. "What's going on birdie?" He whispered to the bird. Luckily, neither of them were heard.

"Keep your voice down, John," His father, Jonathan, warned. He glanced over his shoulder and listened. Once satisfied, he turned and proceeded. "You know there's nothing we can do but combat the darkness with light magic."

"Your magic isn't workin', and Zee's overwhelmed as is trying to keep Finis in check." John argued.

Calvin watched his father's brow crease. It only ever did when he was upset—be it angry or afraid. The latter was a rare sight to witness, save for whenever a stray spider finds its way into the house. He gulped and squinted as if it would amplify his hearing.

"Is Finis..."

"Holding on, Jonny," The blonde cut him off. His icy blue eyes glinted with something stronger than his deadpan could mask. "For now. But we all know the time's coming."

"We don't know that for sure," Iyanna interjected sharply. "We don't know that he'll Ascend."

"The proof is right outside your door, Iyanna, all you have to do is open it. Niles told me about what's in your basement. It's not a coincidence that thing just showed up the day after Fin's vision? It's happening."

"It's not—" Iyanna had to steel herself with a breath. She clenched her fists. Calvin watched the air shimmer faintly around her hands.

His father wrapped an arm around her. "We'll figure this out. All we have to do is keep them apart." He rubbed her arm before turning back to the man in the trench.

He shook his head with a terse sigh. "Alright, then, Mate." He clamped his hand on Jonathan's shoulder. sucked his teeth. His lips spread to a sad smile. "I hope you live long enough to pull your head out of the sand."

With that, he turned to leave. He locked eyes with Calvin just as he reached the doorknob. Harsh whispers in the air made him grimace. He reached and squeezed an amulet on his chest. Calvin could hear his skin sizzle. He turned away, pained, and left without another word.

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